Dickens, Charles – Reprinted Pieces

noblemen and gentlemen whom our honourable friend supported, had

‘come in,’ expressly to do a certain thing. Now, four of the dozen

said, at a certain place, that they didn’t mean to do that thing,

and had never meant to do it; another four of the dozen said, at

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Dickens, Charles – Reprinted Pieces

another certain place, that they did mean to do that thing, and had

always meant to do it; two of the remaining four said, at two other

certain places, that they meant to do half of that thing (but

differed about which half), and to do a variety of nameless wonders

instead of the other half; and one of the remaining two declared

that the thing itself was dead and buried, while the other as

strenuously protested that it was alive and kicking. It was

admitted that the parliamentary genius of our honourable friend

would be quite able to reconcile such small discrepancies as these;

but, there remained the additional difficulty that each of the

twelve made entirely different statements at different places, and

that all the twelve called everything visible and invisible, sacred

and profane, to witness, that they were a perfectly impregnable

phalanx of unanimity. This, it was apprehended, would be a

stumbling-block to our honourable friend.

The difficulty came before our honourable friend, in this way. He

went down to Verbosity to meet his free and independent

constituents, and to render an account (as he informed them in the

local papers) of the trust they had confided to his hands – that

trust which it was one of the proudest privileges of an Englishman

to possess – that trust which it was the proudest privilege of an

Englishman to hold. It may be mentioned as a proof of the great

general interest attaching to the contest, that a Lunatic whom

nobody employed or knew, went down to Verbosity with several

thousand pounds in gold, determined to give the whole away – which

he actually did; and that all the publicans opened their houses for

nothing. Likewise, several fighting men, and a patriotic group of

burglars sportively armed with life-preservers, proceeded (in

barouches and very drunk) to the scene of action at their own

expense; these children of nature having conceived a warm

attachment to our honourable friend, and intending, in their

artless manner, to testify it by knocking the voters in the

opposite interest on the head.

Our honourable friend being come into the presence of his

constituents, and having professed with great suavity that he was

delighted to see his good friend Tipkisson there, in his workingdress

– his good friend Tipkisson being an inveterate saddler, who

always opposes him, and for whom he has a mortal hatred – made them

a brisk, ginger-beery sort of speech, in which he showed them how

the dozen noblemen and gentlemen had (in exactly ten days from

their coming in) exercised a surprisingly beneficial effect on the

whole financial condition of Europe, had altered the state of the

exports and imports for the current half-year, had prevented the

drain of gold, had made all that matter right about the glut of the

raw material, and had restored all sorts of balances with which the

superseded noblemen and gentlemen had played the deuce – and all

this, with wheat at so much a quarter, gold at so much an ounce,

and the Bank of England discounting good bills at so much per

cent.! He might be asked, he observed in a peroration of great

power, what were his principles? His principles were what they

always had been. His principles were written in the countenances

of the lion and unicorn; were stamped indelibly upon the royal

shield which those grand animals supported, and upon the free words

of fire which that shield bore. His principles were, Britannia and

her sea-king trident! His principles were, commercial prosperity

co-existently with perfect and profound agricultural contentment;

but short of this he would never stop. His principles were, these,

– with the addition of his colours nailed to the mast, every man’s

heart in the right place, every man’s eye open, every man’s hand

ready, every man’s mind on the alert. His principles were these,

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Categories: Charles Dickens