Dickens, Charles – Reprinted Pieces

between that stately piece of furniture and the wall.

It is a sultry evening at dusk. The stones of Wellington Street

are hot and gritty, and the watermen and hackney-coachmen at the

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Theatre opposite, are much flushed and aggravated. Carriages are

constantly setting down the people who have come to Fairy-Land; and

there is a mighty shouting and bellowing every now and then,

deafening us for the moment, through the open windows.

Just at dusk, Inspectors Wield and Stalker are announced; but we do

not undertake to warrant the orthography of any of the names here

mentioned. Inspector Wield presents Inspector Stalker. Inspector

Wield is a middle-aged man of a portly presence, with a large,

moist, knowing eye, a husky voice, and a habit of emphasising his

conversation by the aid of a corpulent fore-finger, which is

constantly in juxtaposition with his eyes or nose. Inspector

Stalker is a shrewd, hard-headed Scotchman – in appearance not at

all unlike a very acute, thoroughly-trained schoolmaster, from the

Normal Establishment at Glasgow. Inspector Wield one might have

known, perhaps, for what he is – Inspector Stalker, never.

The ceremonies of reception over, Inspectors Wield and Stalker

observe that they have brought some sergeants with them. The

sergeants are presented – five in number, Sergeant Dornton,

Sergeant Witchem, Sergeant Mith, Sergeant Fendall, and Sergeant

Straw. We have the whole Detective Force from Scotland Yard, with

one exception. They sit down in a semi-circle (the two Inspectors

at the two ends) at a little distance from the round table, facing

the editorial sofa. Every man of them, in a glance, immediately

takes an inventory of the furniture and an accurate sketch of the

editorial presence. The Editor feels that any gentleman in company

could take him up, if need should be, without the smallest

hesitation, twenty years hence.

The whole party are in plain clothes. Sergeant Dornton about fifty

years of age, with a ruddy face and a high sunburnt forehead, has

the air of one who has been a Sergeant in the army – he might have

sat to Wilkie for the Soldier in the Reading of the Will. He is

famous for steadily pursuing the inductive process, and, from small

beginnings, working on from clue to clue until he bags his man.

Sergeant Witchem, shorter and thicker-set, and marked with the

small-pox, has something of a reserved and thoughtful air, as if he

were engaged in deep arithmetical calculations. He is renowned for

his acquaintance with the swell mob. Sergeant Mith, a smooth-faced

man with a fresh bright complexion, and a strange air of

simplicity, is a dab at housebreakers. Sergeant Fendall, a lighthaired,

well-spoken, polite person, is a prodigious hand at

pursuing private inquiries of a delicate nature. Straw, a little

wiry Sergeant of meek demeanour and strong sense, would knock at a

door and ask a series of questions in any mild character you choose

to prescribe to him, from a charity-boy upwards, and seem as

innocent as an infant. They are, one and all, respectable-looking

men; of perfectly good deportment and unusual intelligence; with

nothing lounging or slinking in their manners; with an air of keen

observation and quick perception when addressed; and generally

presenting in their faces, traces more or less marked of habitually

leading lives of strong mental excitement. They have all good

eyes; and they all can, and they all do, look full at whomsoever

they speak to.

We light the cigars, and hand round the glasses (which are very

temperately used indeed), and the conversation begins by a modest

amateur reference on the Editorial part to the swell mob.

Inspector Wield immediately removes his cigar from his lips, waves

his right hand, and says, ‘Regarding the swell mob, sir, I can’t do

better than call upon Sergeant Witchem. Because the reason why?

I’ll tell you. Sergeant Witchem is better acquainted with the

swell mob than any officer in London.’

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Our heart leaping up when we beheld this rainbow in the sky, we

turn to Sergeant Witchem, who very concisely, and in well-chosen

language, goes into the subject forthwith. Meantime, the whole of

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