Dickens, Charles – Reprinted Pieces

always polite, because (as we believed), if the Chief offended him,

he would instantly address the Chief in French, and for ever

confound him before the boys with his inability to understand or


There was besides, a serving man, whose name was Phil. Our

retrospective glance presents Phil as a shipwrecked carpenter, cast

away upon the desert island of a school, and carrying into practice

an ingenious inkling of many trades. He mended whatever was

broken, and made whatever was wanted. He was general glazier,

among other things, and mended all the broken windows – at the

prime cost (as was darkly rumoured among us) of ninepence, for

every square charged three-and-six to parents. We had a high

opinion of his mechanical genius, and generally held that the Chief

‘knew something bad of him,’ and on pain of divulgence enforced

Phil to be his bondsman. We particularly remember that Phil had a

sovereign contempt for learning: which engenders in us a respect

for his sagacity, as it implies his accurate observation of the

relative positions of the Chief and the ushers. He was an

impenetrable man, who waited at table between whiles, and

throughout ‘the half’ kept the boxes in severe custody. He was

morose, even to the Chief, and never smiled, except at breaking-up,

when, in acknowledgment of the toast, ‘Success to Phil! Hooray!’

he would slowly carve a grin out of his wooden face, where it would

remain until we were all gone. Nevertheless, one time when we had

the scarlet fever in the school, Phil nursed all the sick boys of

his own accord, and was like a mother to them.

There was another school not far off, and of course Our School

could have nothing to say to that school. It is mostly the way

with schools, whether of boys or men. Well! the railway has

swallowed up ours, and the locomotives now run smoothly over its


So fades and languishes, grows dim and dies,

All that this world is proud of,

– and is not proud of, too. It had little reason to be proud of

Our School, and has done much better since in that way, and will do

far better yet.

Page 128

Dickens, Charles – Reprinted Pieces


WE have the glorious privilege of being always in hot water if we

like. We are a shareholder in a Great Parochial British Joint

Stock Bank of Balderdash. We have a Vestry in our borough, and can

vote for a vestryman – might even BE a vestryman, mayhap, if we

were inspired by a lofty and noble ambition. Which we are not.

Our Vestry is a deliberative assembly of the utmost dignity and

importance. Like the Senate of ancient Rome, its awful gravity

overpowers (or ought to overpower) barbarian visitors. It sits in

the Capitol (we mean in the capital building erected for it),

chiefly on Saturdays, and shakes the earth to its centre with the

echoes of its thundering eloquence, in a Sunday paper.

To get into this Vestry in the eminent capacity of Vestryman,

gigantic efforts are made, and Herculean exertions used. It is

made manifest to the dullest capacity at every election, that if we

reject Snozzle we are done for, and that if we fail to bring in

Blunderbooze at the top of the poll, we are unworthy of the dearest

rights of Britons. Flaming placards are rife on all the dead walls

in the borough, public-houses hang out banners, hackney-cabs burst

into full-grown flowers of type, and everybody is, or should be, in

a paroxysm of anxiety.

At these momentous crises of the national fate, we are much

assisted in our deliberations by two eminent volunteers; one of

whom subscribes himself A Fellow Parishioner, the other, A Rate-

Payer. Who they are, or what they are, or where they are, nobody

knows; but, whatever one asserts, the other contradicts. They are

both voluminous writers, indicting more epistles than Lord

Chesterfield in a single week; and the greater part of their

feelings are too big for utterance in anything less than capital

letters. They require the additional aid of whole rows of notes of

admiration, like balloons, to point their generous indignation; and

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Categories: Charles Dickens