Dickens, Charles – Reprinted Pieces


Now, you come down to Pavilionstone in a free and easy manner, an

irresponsible agent, made over in trust to the South-Eastern

Company, until you get out of the railway-carriage at high-water

mark. If you are crossing by the boat at once, you have nothing to

do but walk on board and be happy there if you can – I can’t. If

you are going to our Great Pavilionstone Hotel, the sprightliest

porters under the sun, whose cheerful looks are a pleasant welcome,

shoulder your luggage, drive it off in vans, bowl it away in

trucks, and enjoy themselves in playing athletic games with it. If

you are for public life at our great Pavilionstone Hotel, you walk

into that establishment as if it were your club; and find ready for

you, your news-room, dining-room, smoking-room, billiard-room,

music-room, public breakfast, public dinner twice a-day (one plain,

one gorgeous), hot baths and cold baths. If you want to be bored,

there are plenty of bores always ready for you, and from Saturday

to Monday in particular, you can be bored (if you like it) through

and through. Should you want to be private at our Great

Pavilionstone Hotel, say but the word, look at the list of charges,

choose your floor, name your figure – there you are, established in

your castle, by the day, week, month, or year, innocent of all

comers or goers, unless you have my fancy for walking early in the

morning down the groves of boots and shoes, which so regularly

flourish at all the chamber-doors before breakfast, that it seems

to me as if nobody ever got up or took them in. Are you going

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Dickens, Charles – Reprinted Pieces

across the Alps, and would you like to air your Italian at our

Great Pavilionstone Hotel? Talk to the Manager – always

conversational, accomplished, and polite. Do you want to be aided,

abetted, comforted, or advised, at our Great Pavilionstone Hotel?

Send for the good landlord, and he is your friend. Should you, or

any one belonging to you, ever be taken ill at our Great

Pavilionstone Hotel, you will not soon forget him or his kind wife.

And when you pay your bill at our Great Pavilionstone Hotel, you

will not be put out of humour by anything you find in it.

A thoroughly good inn, in the days of coaching and posting, was a

noble place. But no such inn would have been equal to the

reception of four or five hundred people, all of them wet through,

and half of them dead sick, every day in the year. This is where

we shine, in our Pavilionstone Hotel. Again – who, coming and

going, pitching and tossing, boating and training, hurrying in, and

flying out, could ever have calculated the fees to be paid at an

old-fashioned house? In our Pavilionstone Hotel vocabulary, there

is no such word as fee. Everything is done for you; every service

is provided at a fixed and reasonable charge; all the prices are

hung up in all the rooms; and you can make out your own bill

beforehand, as well as the book-keeper.

In the case of your being a pictorial artist, desirous of studying

at small expense the physiognomies and beards of different nations,

come, on receipt of this, to Pavilionstone. You shall find all the

nations of the earth, and all the styles of shaving and not

shaving, hair cutting and hair letting alone, for ever flowing

through our hotel. Couriers you shall see by hundreds; fat

leathern bags for five-franc pieces, closing with violent snaps,

like discharges of fire-arms, by thousands; more luggage in a

morning than, fifty years ago, all Europe saw in a week. Looking

at trains, steamboats, sick travellers, and luggage, is our great

Pavilionstone recreation. We are not strong in other public

amusements. We have a Literary and Scientific Institution, and we

have a Working Men’s Institution – may it hold many gipsy holidays

in summer fields, with the kettle boiling, the band of music

playing, and the people dancing; and may I be on the hill-side,

looking on with pleasure at a wholesome sight too rare in England!

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Categories: Charles Dickens