Dickens, Charles – Reprinted Pieces

all compose ourselves to listen with great interest and attention.

‘Tally-ho Thompson,’ says Sergeant Witchem, after merely wetting

his lips with his brandy-and-water, ‘Tally-ho Thompson was a famous

horse-stealer, couper, and magsman. Thompson, in conjunction with

a pal that occasionally worked with him, gammoned a countryman out

of a good round sum of money, under pretence of getting him a

situation – the regular old dodge – and was afterwards in the “Hue

and Cry” for a horse – a horse that he stole down in Hertfordshire.

I had to look after Thompson, and I applied myself, of course, in

the first instance, to discovering where he was. Now, Thompson’s

wife lived, along with a little daughter, at Chelsea. Knowing that

Thompson was somewhere in the country, I watched the house –

especially at post-time in the morning – thinking Thompson was

pretty likely to write to her. Sure enough, one morning the

postman comes up, and delivers a letter at Mrs. Thompson’s door.

Little girl opens the door, and takes it in. We’re not always sure

of postmen, though the people at the post-offices are always very

obliging. A postman may help us, or he may not, – just as it

happens. However, I go across the road, and I say to the postman,

after he has left the letter, “Good morning! how are you?” “How

are YOU!” says he. “You’ve just delivered a letter for Mrs.

Thompson.” “Yes, I have.” “You didn’t happen to remark what the

post-mark was, perhaps?” “No,” says he, “I didn’t.” “Come,” says

I, “I’ll be plain with you. I’m in a small way of business, and I

have given Thompson credit, and I can’t afford to lose what he owes

me. I know he’s got money, and I know he’s in the country, and if

you could tell me what the post-mark was, I should be very much

obliged to you, and you’d do a service to a tradesman in a small

way of business that can’t afford a loss.” “Well,” he said, “I do

assure you that I did not observe what the post-mark was; all I

know is, that there was money in the letter – I should say a

sovereign.” This was enough for me, because of course I knew that

Thompson having sent his wife money, it was probable she’d write to

Thompson, by return of post, to acknowledge the receipt. So I said

“Thankee” to the postman, and I kept on the watch. In the

afternoon I saw the little girl come out. Of course I followed

her. She went into a stationer’s shop, and I needn’t say to you

that I looked in at the window. She bought some writing-paper and

envelopes, and a pen. I think to myself, “That’ll do!” – watch her

home again – and don’t go away, you may be sure, knowing that Mrs.

Thompson was writing her letter to Tally-ho, and that the letter

would be posted presently. In about an hour or so, out came the

little girl again, with the letter in her hand. I went up, and

said something to the child, whatever it might have been; but I

couldn’t see the direction of the letter, because she held it with

the seal upwards. However, I observed that on the back of the

letter there was what we call a kiss – a drop of wax by the side of

the seal – and again, you understand, that was enough for me. I

saw her post the letter, waited till she was gone, then went into

the shop, and asked to see the Master. When he came out, I told

him, “Now, I’m an Officer in the Detective Force; there’s a letter

with a kiss been posted here just now, for a man that I’m in search

of; and what I have to ask of you, is, that you will let me look at

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Dickens, Charles – Reprinted Pieces

the direction of that letter.” He was very civil – took a lot of

letters from the box in the window – shook ’em out on the counter

with the faces downwards – and there among ’em was the identical

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Categories: Charles Dickens