Dickens, Charles – Reprinted Pieces

of a white woman with an infant, said to have been seen weeping

outside a savage hut far in the interior, who was whisperingly

associated with the remembrance of the missing ladies saved from

the wrecked vessel, and who was often sought but never found,

thoughts of another kind of travel came into my mind.

Thoughts of a voyager unexpectedly summoned from home, who

travelled a vast distance, and could never return. Thoughts of

this unhappy wayfarer in the depths of his sorrow, in the

bitterness of his anguish, in the helplessness of his self-

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Dickens, Charles – Reprinted Pieces

reproach, in the desperation of his desire to set right what he had

left wrong, and do what he had left undone.

For, there were many, many things he had neglected. Little matters

while he was at home and surrounded by them, but things of mighty

moment when he was at an immeasurable distance. There were many

many blessings that he had inadequately felt, there were many

trivial injuries that he had not forgiven, there was love that he

had but poorly returned, there was friendship that he had too

lightly prized: there were a million kind words that he might have

spoken, a million kind looks that he might have given, uncountable

slight easy deeds in which he might have been most truly great and

good. O for a day (he would exclaim), for but one day to make

amends! But the sun never shone upon that happy day, and out of

his remote captivity he never came.

Why does this traveller’s fate obscure, on New Year’s Eve, the

other histories of travellers with which my mind was filled but

now, and cast a solemn shadow over me! Must I one day make his

journey? Even so. Who shall say, that I may not then be tortured

by such late regrets: that I may not then look from my exile on my

empty place and undone work? I stand upon a sea-shore, where the

waves are years. They break and fall, and I may little heed them;

but, with every wave the sea is rising, and I know that it will

float me on this traveller’s voyage at last.


THE amount of money he annually diverts from wholesome and useful

purposes in the United Kingdom, would be a set-off against the

Window Tax. He is one of the most shameless frauds and impositions

of this time. In his idleness, his mendacity, and the immeasurable

harm he does to the deserving, – dirtying the stream of true

benevolence, and muddling the brains of foolish justices, with

inability to distinguish between the base coin of distress, and the

true currency we have always among us, – he is more worthy of

Norfolk Island than three-fourths of the worst characters who are

sent there. Under any rational system, he would have been sent

there long ago.

I, the writer of this paper, have been, for some time, a chosen

receiver of Begging Letters. For fourteen years, my house has been

made as regular a Receiving House for such communications as any

one of the great branch Post-Offices is for general correspondence.

I ought to know something of the Begging-Letter Writer. He has

besieged my door at all hours of the day and night; he has fought

my servant; he has lain in ambush for me, going out and coming in;

he has followed me out of town into the country; he has appeared at

provincial hotels, where I have been staying for only a few hours;

he has written to me from immense distances, when I have been out

of England. He has fallen sick; he has died and been buried; he

has come to life again, and again departed from this transitory

scene: he has been his own son, his own mother, his own baby, his

idiot brother, his uncle, his aunt, his aged grandfather. He has

wanted a greatcoat, to go to India in; a pound to set him up in

life for ever; a pair of boots to take him to the coast of China; a

hat to get him into a permanent situation under Government. He has

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Categories: Charles Dickens