Dickens, Charles – Reprinted Pieces

of the cavern. Here he laid hold of a small projection in the

rock, but was so much benumbed that he was on the point of quitting

it, when a seaman, who had already gained a footing, extended his

hand, and assisted him until he could secure himself a little on

the rock; from which he clambered on a shelf still higher, and out

of the reach of the surf.

‘Mr. Rogers, the third mate, remained with the captain and the

unfortunate ladies and their companions nearly twenty minutes after

Mr. Meriton had quitted the ship. Soon after the latter left the

round-house, the captain asked what was become of him, to which Mr.

Rogers replied, that he was gone on deck to see what could be done.

After this, a heavy sea breaking over the ship, the ladies

exclaimed, “Oh, poor Meriton! he is drowned; had he stayed with us

he would have been safe!” and they all, particularly Miss Mary

Pierce, expressed great concern at the apprehension of his loss.

‘The sea was now breaking in at the fore part of the ship, and

reached as far as the mainmast. Captain Pierce gave Mr. Rogers a

nod, and they took a lamp and went together into the stern-gallery,

where, after viewing the rocks for some time, Captain Pierce asked

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Mr. Rogers if he thought there was any possibility of saving the

girls; to which he replied, he feared there was none; for they

could only discover the black face of the perpendicular rock, and

not the cavern which afforded shelter to those who escaped. They

then returned to the round-house, where Mr. Rogers hung up the

lamp, and Captain Pierce sat down between his two daughters.

‘The sea continuing to break in very fast, Mr. Macmanus, a

midshipman, and Mr. Schutz, a passenger, asked Mr. Rogers what they

could do to escape. “Follow me,” he replied, and they all went

into the stern-gallery, and from thence to the upper-quartergallery

on the poop. While there, a very heavy sea fell on board,

and the round-house gave way; Mr. Rogers heard the ladies shriek at

intervals, as if the water reached them; the noise of the sea at

other times drowning their voices.

‘Mr. Brimer had followed him to the poop, where they remained

together about five minutes, when on the breaking of this heavy

sea, they jointly seized a hen-coop. The same wave which proved

fatal to some of those below, carried him and his companion to the

rock, on which they were violently dashed and miserably bruised.

‘Here on the rock were twenty-seven men; but it now being low

water, and as they were convinced that on the flowing of the tide

all must be washed off, many attempted to get to the back or the

sides of the cavern, beyond the reach of the returning sea.

Scarcely more than six, besides Mr. Rogers and Mr. Brimer,


‘Mr. Rogers, on gaining this station, was so nearly exhausted, that

had his exertions been protracted only a few minutes longer, he

must have sunk under them. He was now prevented from joining Mr.

Meriton, by at least twenty men between them, none of whom could

move, without the imminent peril of his life.

‘They found that a very considerable number of the crew, seamen and

soldiers, and some petty officers, were in the same situation as

themselves, though many who had reached the rocks below, perished

in attempting to ascend. They could yet discern some part of the

ship, and in their dreary station solaced themselves with the hopes

of its remaining entire until day-break; for, in the midst of their

own distress, the sufferings of the females on board affected them

with the most poignant anguish; and every sea that broke inspired

them with terror for their safety.

‘But, alas, their apprehensions were too soon realised! Within a

very few minutes of the time that Mr. Rogers gained the rock, an

universal shriek, which long vibrated in their ears, in which the

voice of female distress was lamentably distinguished, announced

the dreadful catastrophe. In a few moments all was hushed, except

the roaring of the winds and the dashing of the waves; the wreck

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Categories: Charles Dickens