Dickens, Charles – Reprinted Pieces

with my distinguished and unfortunate friend Madame Roland (in two

volumes which I bought for two francs each, at the book-stall in

the Place de la Concorde, Paris, at the corner of the Rue Royale).

Deciding to pass the evening tete-a-tete with Madame Roland, I

derived, as I always do, great pleasure from that spiritual woman’s

society, and the charms of her brave soul and engaging

conversation. I must confess that if she had only some more

faults, only a few more passionate failings of any kind, I might

love her better; but I am content to believe that the deficiency is

in me, and not in her. We spent some sadly interesting hours

together on this occasion, and she told me again of her cruel

discharge from the Abbaye, and of her being re-arrested before her

free feet had sprung lightly up half-a-dozen steps of her own

staircase, and carried off to the prison which she only left for

the guillotine.

Madame Roland and I took leave of one another before mid-night, and

I went to bed full of vast intentions for next day, in connexion

with the unparalleled chapter. To hear the foreign mail-steamers

coming in at dawn of day, and to know that I was not aboard or

obliged to get up, was very comfortable; so, I rose for the chapter

in great force.

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Dickens, Charles – Reprinted Pieces

I had advanced so far as to sit down at my window again on my

second morning, and to write the first half-line of the chapter and

strike it out, not liking it, when my conscience reproached me with

not having surveyed the watering-place out of the season, after

all, yesterday, but with having gone straight out of it at the rate

of four miles and a half an hour. Obviously the best amends that I

could make for this remissness was to go and look at it without

another moment’s delay. So – altogether as a matter of duty – I

gave up the magnificent chapter for another day, and sauntered out

with my hands in my pockets.

All the houses and lodgings ever let to visitors, were to let that

morning. It seemed to have snowed bills with To Let upon them.

This put me upon thinking what the owners of all those apartments

did, out of the season; how they employed their time, and occupied

their minds. They could not be always going to the Methodist

chapels, of which I passed one every other minute. They must have

some other recreation. Whether they pretended to take one

another’s lodgings, and opened one another’s tea-caddies in fun?

Whether they cut slices off their own beef and mutton, and made

believe that it belonged to somebody else? Whether they played

little dramas of life, as children do, and said, ‘I ought to come

and look at your apartments, and you ought to ask two guineas aweek

too much, and then I ought to say I must have the rest of the

day to think of it, and then you ought to say that another lady and

gentleman with no children in family had made an offer very close

to your own terms, and you had passed your word to give them a

positive answer in half an hour, and indeed were just going to take

the bill down when you heard the knock, and then I ought to take

them, you know?’ Twenty such speculations engaged my thoughts.

Then, after passing, still clinging to the walls, defaced rags of

the bills of last year’s Circus, I came to a back field near a

timber-yard where the Circus itself had been, and where there was

yet a sort of monkish tonsure on the grass, indicating the spot

where the young lady had gone round upon her pet steed Firefly in

her daring flight. Turning into the town again, I came among the

shops, and they were emphatically out of the season. The chemist

had no boxes of ginger-beer powders, no beautifying sea-side soaps

and washes, no attractive scents; nothing but his great goggle-eyed

red bottles, looking as if the winds of winter and the drift of the

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Categories: Charles Dickens