Heritage of Shannara 1 – The Scions of Shannara by Brooks, Terry

was feeling. That anger quickly found a focus. “Why don’t you

try worrying about the Valemen? Do you have any idea at all

what’s happened to them? Why have we left them behind like


“Ah.” The other spoke the word softly. “So that’s what’s

really eating at you, is it? Well, Highlander, the Valemen are

likely better off than we are. We were seen getting out of that

Gatehouse, remember? The Federation isn’t so stupid that it will

overtook the report of what happened and the fact that two so-

called guards are somehow missing. They’ll have our descrip-

tion. If we hadn’t gotten out of the city right away, we likely

wouldn’t have gotten out at all!”

He jabbed his finger at the Highlander. “Now the Valemen,

on the other hand-no one saw them. No one will recognize

their faces. Besides, Damson will have them in hand by now.

She knows to bring them to the Jut. She’ll get them out of Tyrsis

easily enough when she has the chance.”

Morgan shook his head stubbornly. “Maybe. Maybe not.

You were confident as well about our chances of retrieving the

Sword of Shannara and look what happened.”

Padishar flushed angrily. “The risks involved in that were

hardly a secret to any of us!”

“Tell that to Stasas and Drutt and Ciba Blue!”

The big man snatched hold of Morgan’s tunic and yanked

him forward violently. His eyes were hard with anger. “Those

were my friends that died back there, Highlander-not yours.

Don’t be throwing it up in my face! What I did, I did for all of

us. We need the Sword of Shannara! Sooner or later we’re going

to have to go back for it-Shadowen or not! You know that as

well as I! As for the Valemen, I don’t like leaving them any

better than you do! But we had precious little choice in the


Morgan tried unsuccessfully to jerk free. “You might have

gone looking for them, at least!”

“Where? Where would I look? Do you think they would be

hidden in any place we could find? Damson’s no fool! She has

them tucked away in the deepest hole in Tyrsis! Shades, High-

lander! Don’t you realize what’s happening back there? We un-

covered a secret last night that the Federation has gone to great

pains to conceal! I’m not sure either of us understands what it

all means yet, but it’s enough that the Federation thinks we

might! They’ll want us dead for that!”

His voice was a snad. “I caught a glimpse of what’s to come

when I passed you through the gates. The Federation authorities

no longer concern themselves merely with doubling guards and

increasing watch patrols. They have mobilized the entire garri-

son! Unless I am badly mistaken, young Morgan Leah, they

have decided to eliminate us once and for all-you and me and

any other members of the Movement they can run to earth. We

are a real threat to them now, because, for the first time, we

begin to understand what they are about-and that’s something

they will not abide!”

His grip tightened, fingers of stone. “They’ll come hunting

us, and we had best not be anywhere we can be found!”

He released the Highlander with a shove. He took a deep

breath and straightened, “In any case, I don’t choose to argue

the matter with you. I am leader here. You fought well back

there in the Pit, and perhaps it cost you something. But that

doesn’t give you the right to question my orders. I understand

the business of staying alive better than you, and you had best

remember it.”

Morgan was white with rage, but he kept himself in check.

He knew there was nothing to be gained by arguing the matter

farther; the big man was not about to change his mind. He knew

as well, deep down inside where he could admit it to himself,

that what Padishar was saying about staying around in an effort

to find Par and Coil was the truth.

He stepped away from Padishar and smoothed his rumpled

clothing carefully. “I just want to be certain that we are agreed

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Categories: Terry Brooks