Heritage of Shannara 1 – The Scions of Shannara by Brooks, Terry

was. The light was to his left, the beginnings of the new day.

East, then, he decided-the Spider Gnomes were traveling north.

That made sense. The Spider Gnomes had made their home on

Toffer Ridge in Brin Ohmsford’s time. That was probably where

he was. He swallowed against the dryness in his mouth and

throat. Thirst and fear, he thought. He tried to recall what he

could of Spider Gnomes from the stories of the old days, but he

was unable to focus his thoughts. Brin had encountered them

when she, Rone Leah, Cogline, Kimber Boh, and the moor cat

Whisper had gone after the missing Sword of Leah. There was

something else, something about a wasteland and the terrifying

creatures that lived within it…

Then he remembered. Werebeasts. The name whispered in

his mind like a curse.

The Spider Gnomes turned down a narrow defile, filling it

with their hairy forms like a dark stain, chittering now in what

appeared to be anticipation. The brightness in the east disap-

peared, and shadows and mist closed about them like a wall.

His wrists and ankles ached, and his body felt stretched beyond

help. The Gnomes were small and carried him close to the

ground so that he bumped and scraped himself at every turn.

He watched from his upside down position as the defile broad-

ened into a shelf that opened out over a vast, mist-shrouded

stretch of emptiness that seemed to run on forever. The shelf

became a corridor through a series of boulders that dotted the

side of Toner Ridge like knots on the back of a boar. Firelight

flickered in the distance, pinpricks of brightness playing hide-

and-seek among the rocks. A handful of Spider Gnomes

bounded ahead, skittering effortlessly over the rocks.

Par took a deep breath. Wherever it was they were going,

they were almost there.

A moment later, they emerged from the rocks and came to a

halt on a low bluff that ran back to a series of burrows and caves

tunneled into the side of the ridge. Fires burned all about, and

hundreds of Spider Gnomes hoved into view. Par was dumped

unceremoniously, the bonds that secured him cut and the pole

removed. He lay there on his back for a moment, rubbing his

wrists and ankles, finding creases so deep that he bled, con-

scious all the time of the eyes watching him. Then he was hauled

to his feet and dragged toward the caves and burrows. They

bypassed the latter in favor of the former, the gnarled hands of

the Gnomes fastened on him at every conceivable point, the

stink of their bodies filling his nostrils. They cluttered at each

other in their own language, their talk incessant now and mean-

ingless to him. He did not resist; he could barely stand upright.

They took him through the largest of the cave openings, pro-

pelled him past a small fire that burned at its mouth and stopped.

There was some discussion, a few moments’ worth at best, and

then he was thrust forward. He saw they were in a smallish cave

that ran back only twenty yards or so and was no more than

eight feet at its highest point. A pair of iron rings had been

hammered into the rock wall at the cave’s deepest point, and

the Spider Gnomes lashed him to those. Then they left him, all

but two who remained behind to take up watch by the fire at the

cave entrance.

Par let his mind clear, listening to the silence, waiting to see

what would happen next. When nothing did, he took a careful

look about. He had been left spread-eagle against the rock wall,

one arm secured to each of the iron rings. He was forced to

remain standing because the rings were fastened too high up on

the rock to allow him to sit. He tested his bonds. They were

leather and secured so tightly mat his wrists could not slip within

them even the smallest amount.

He sagged back momentarily in despair, forcing down the

panic that threatened to overwhelm him. The others would be

looking for him by now-Morgan, Steff, Teel. They would al-

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Categories: Terry Brooks