Heritage of Shannara 1 – The Scions of Shannara by Brooks, Terry

To get there, we will travel north through the Wolfsktaag-in

through the Pass of Noose, out through the Pass of Jade, and

from there east into the Reach.”

He paused, considering what he saw in their faces. “There

are other ways, of course-safer ways, some might argue-but

I disagree. We could skirt the Wolfsktaag to the east or west,

but either way we risk an almost certain encounter with Feder-

ation soldiers or Gnomes. There will be neither in the Wolfsk-

taag. Too many spirits and things of old magic live in the

mountains; the Gnomes are superstitious about such and stay

away. The Federation used to send patrols in, but most of them

never came out. Truth is, most of them just got lost up there

because they didn’t know the way. I do.”

His listeners remained silent. Finally Coil said, “I seem to

remember that a couple of our ancestors got into a good bit of

trouble when they took this same route some years back.”

Steff shrugged. “I wouldn’t know about that. I do know that

I have been through these mountains dozens of times and know

what to look for. The trick is to stay on the ridgelines and out

of the deep forests. What lives in the Wolfsktaag prefers the

dark. And there’s nothing magic about most of it.”

Coil shook his head and looked at Par. “I don’t like it.”

“Well, the choice is between the devil we know and the one

we suspect,” Steff declared bluntly. “Federation soldiers and

their Gnome allies, which we know are out there, or spirits and

wraiths, which we don’t.”

“Shadowen,” Par said softly.

There was a moment of silence. Steff smiled grimly. “Haven’t

you heard, Valeman-there aren’t any Shadowen. That’s all a ru-

mor. Besides, you have the magic to protect us, don’t you? You

and the Highlander here? What would dare challenge that?”

He looked about, sharp eyes darting from one face to the next.

“Come now. No one ever suggested that this journey would be

a safe one. Let us have a decision. But you have heard my

warning about the choices left us if we forgo the mountains. Pay


There wasn’t much any of them could say after that, and they

left it to the Dwarf’s best judgment. This was his country after

all, not theirs, and he was the one who knew it. They were

relying on him to find Walker Boh, and it seemed foolish to

second-guess the way he thought best to go about it.

They spent the night in the clearing of pines, smelling needles

and wildflowers and the crispness of air, sleeping undisturbed

and dreamless in a silence that stretched far beyond where they

could see. At dawn, Steff took them up into the Wolfsktaag.

They slipped into the Pass of Noose, where Gnomes had once

tried to trap Shea and Flick Ohmsford, crossed the rope walk-

way that bridged the chasm at its center, wound their way stead-

ily upward through the ragged, blunted peaks of slab-sided stone

and forested slopes, and watched the sun work its way across

the cloudless summer sky. Morning passed into afternoon, and

they reached the ridgelines running north and began follow-

ing their twists and bends. Travel was easy, the sun warm and

reassuring, and the fears and doubts of the night before began

to fade. They watched for movement in the shadows of rock and

wood, but saw nothing. Birds sang in the trees, small animals

scampered through the brush, and the forests here seemed very

much the same as forests everywhere in the Four Lands. The

Valemen and the Highlander found themselves smiling at one

another; Steff hummed tonelessly to himself, and only Teel

showed nothing of what she was feeling.

When nightfall approached, they made camp in a small

meadow nestled between two ridgelines cropped with fir and

cedar. There was little wind, and the day’s warmth lingered in

the sheltered valley long after the sun was gone. Stars glim-

mered faintly in the darkening skies, and the moon hung full

against the western horizon. Par recalled again the old man’s

admonition to them-that they were to be at the Hadeshom on

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Categories: Terry Brooks