Heritage of Shannara 1 – The Scions of Shannara by Brooks, Terry

of uncertainty and bewilderment in his bright eyes. ‘ ‘Yes, lovely

Damson,” he murmured and disappeared up the stairs.

Par started to say something more, but Coil took him by the

shoulders and pushed him back up against the weathered door.

Their eyes met and locked.

“Let’s not waste any more time arguing about this, huh?”

Coil said. “Let’s just get it over with. You and me.”

Par tried to twist free, but Coil’s big hands were like iron

clamps. He sagged back, frustrated. Coil released him. “Par,”

he said, and the words were almost a plea. “I spoke the truth.

I have to go.”

They faced each other in silence. Par found himself thinking

of what they had come through to reach this point, of the hard-

ships they had endured. He wanted to tell Coil that it all meant

something, that he loved him, that he was frightened for him

now. He wanted to remind his brother about his duck feet, to

warn him that duck feet were too big to sneak around in. He

thought he might scream.

But, instead, he said simply, “I know.”

Then he moved to the heavy, weathered door, released its

fastenings, and pulled on its worn handle. The door swung open,

and the half-light and fog, the rancid smells and cloying chill,

the hiss of swamp sounds, and the high, distant call of a solitary

bird rushed in.

Par looked back at Damson Rhee. She nodded. That she

would wait? That she understood? He didn’t know.

With Coil beside him, he stepped out into the Pit.


W here was Teel?

Morgan Leah knelt hurriedly beside Steff,

touched his face, and felt the chill of his friend’s

skin through his fingers. Impulsively, he put his hands on Steff’s

shoulders and gripped him, but Steff did not seem to feel it.

Morgan took his hands away and rocked back on his heels. His

eyes scanned the darkness about him, and shivered with some-

thing more than the cold. The question repeated itself in his

mind, racing from comer to comer as if trying to hide, a dark


Where was Teel?

The possibilities paraded before him in his mind. Gone to get

Steff a drink of water, something hot to eat, another blanket

perhaps? Gone to look around, spooked from her sleep by one

of those instincts or sixth-senses that kept you alive when you

were constantly being hunted? Close by, about to return?

The possibilities shattered into broken pieces and disap-

peared. No. He knew the answer. She had gone into the secret

tunnel. She had gone there to lead the soldiers of the Federation

into the Jut from the rear. She was about to betray them one

final time.

No one but Damson, Chandos, and I know the other way-

now that Hirehone is dead.

That was what Padishar Creel had told him, speaking of the

hidden way out, the tunnel- something Morgan had all but for-

gotten until now. He shivered at the clarity of the memory. If

his reasoning was correct and the traitor was a Shadowen who

had taken Hirehone’s identity to follow them to Tyrsis, then that

meant the Shadowen had possession of Hirehone’s memories

and knew of the tunnel as well.

And if the Shadowen was now Teel. . .

Morgan felt the hairs on the back of his neck prickle. It would

take the Federation months to take the Jut by siege. But what if

the siege was nothing more than a decoy? What if the Creeper

itself had been, even in failing, just a decoy? What if the Fed-

eration’s intent from the beginning, was to take the Jut from

within, by betrayal once again, through the tunnel that was to

have been the outlaws’ escape?

I have to do something!

Morgan Lean felt leaden. He must leave Steff and get to Pad-

ishar Creel at once. If his suspicions about Teel were correct,

she had to be found and stopped.


The horror of what he was thinking knotted m his throat-

mat Teel could be the very worst of the enemies that had hunted

them all since Culhaven, that she could have deceived them so

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Categories: Terry Brooks