Heritage of Shannara 1 – The Scions of Shannara by Brooks, Terry

Teel’s been gone a long time.”

The anger and fear turned to horror. “Morgan, no! I would

know! I could tell if it wasn’t her!”

“Steff, listen …”

“Morgan, he’s going to kill her! Let me go!”

Steff jerked free and Morgan grabbed him again. “Steff, look

at what she’s done! She’s betrayed us!”

“No!” the Dwarf screamed and struck him.

Morgan went down in a heap, the force of the blow leaving

him stunned. His first reaction was surprise; he hadn’t thought

it possible that Steff could still possess such strength. He pushed

himself to his knees, watching as the Dwarf raced after Padi-

shar, screaming something the Highlander couldn’t understand.

Steff caught up with the big man when they were just a few

steps from Teel. The Dwarf threw himself on Padishar from

behind, seizing his sword arm, forcing it down. Padishar shouted

in fury, tried to break free and failed. Steff was all over him,

wrapped about him like a second skin.

In the confusion, Teel struck. She was on them like a cat, the

iron bar lifted. The blows hammered down, quick and unchal-

lenged, and in a matter of seconds both Padishar and Steff lay

bleeding on the cavern floor.

Morgan staggered to his feet alone to face her.

She came for him unhurriedly, and as she did so there was a

moment in which all of his memories of her came together at

once. He saw her as the small, waiflike girl that he had met at

Culhaven in the darkened kitchen of Granny Elise and Auntie

Jilt, her honey-colored hair just visible beneath the folds of her

hooded cloak, her face concealed by the strange leather mask.

He saw her listening at the edges of the campfire’s light to the

conversation shared by the members of the little company who

had journeyed through the Wolfsktaag. He saw her crowded

close to Steffat the base of the Dragon’s Teeth before they went

to meet with the shade of Allanon, suspicious, withdrawn,

fiercely protective.

He forced the images away seeing her only as she was now,

striking down Padishar and Steff, too swift and strong to be what

she pretended. Even so, it was hard to believe that she was a

Shadowen, harder still to accept that they had all been fooled so


He pulled free the broadsword and waited. He would have to

be quick. Maybe he would have to be more than quick. He

remembered the creatures in the Pit. Iron alone hadn’t been

enough to kill them.

Teel went into a crouch as she reached him, her eyes dark

pools within the mask, the look that was reflected there hard

and certain. Morgan gave a quick feint, then cut viciously at the

girl’s legs. She sidestepped the blow easily. He cut again-once,

twice. She parried, and the shock of the sword blade- striking

the iron bar washed through him. Back and forth they lunged,

each waiting for the other to provide an opening.

Then a series of blows brought the flat of the broadsword

against the iron bar and the blade shattered. Morgan npped at

the bar with what was left, the handle catching it and twisting it

free. Both sword and bar skittered away into the dark.

Instantly Teel threw herself on Morgan, her hands closing

about his throat. She was incredibly strong. He had only a mo-

ment to act as he fell backward. His hand closed on the dagger

at his waist, and he shoved it into her stomach. She drew back,

surprised. He kicked at her, thrusting her back, drew the dagger

in his boot and jammed it into her side, ripping upward.

She backhanded him so hard that he was knocked off his feet.

He landed with a grunt, jarred so that the breath was knocked

from his body. Spots danced before his eyes, but he gasped air

into his lungs and scrambled up.

Teel was standing where he had left her, the daggers still

embedded in her body. She reached down and calmly pulled

them free, tossing them away.

She knows I can’t hurt her, he thought in despair. She knows

I haven’t anything that can stop her.

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Categories: Terry Brooks