Heritage of Shannara 1 – The Scions of Shannara by Brooks, Terry

She seemed unhurt as she advanced on him. There was blood

on her clothing, but not much. There was no expression to be

seen behind the mask, nothing in her eyes or on her mouth, just

an emptiness that was as chilling as ice. Morgan edged away

from her, searching the cavern floor for any kind of weapon at

all. He caught sight of the iron bar and desperately snatched it


Teel seemed unworried. There was a shimmer of movement

all about her body, a darkness that seemed to lift slightly

and settle back again-as if the thing that lived within her was

readying itself.

Morgan backed away, maneuvering toward the crevice. Could

he somehow manage to lure this thing close enough to the drop

to shove it over? Would that kill it? He didn’t know. He knew

only that he was the only one left to stop it, to prevent it from

betraying the entire Jut, all those men, to the Federation. If he

failed, they would die.

But I’m not strong enough-not without the magic!

He was only a few feet from the crevice edge. Teel closed the

gap that separated them, moving swiftly. He swung at her with

the iron bar, but she caught the bar in her hand, broke his grip

on it, and flung it away.

Then she was on him, her hands at his throat, choking off his

air, strangling him. He couldn’t breathe. He fought to break

free, but she was far too strong. His eyes squeezed shut against

the pain, and there was a coppery taste in his mouth.

A huge weight dropped across him.

“Teel, don’t!” he heard someone cry-a disembodied voice

choked with pain and fatigue.


The hands loosened marginally, and his eyes cleared enough

so that he could see Steff atop Teel, arms locked about her,

hauling back. There was blood streaking his face. A gaping

wound had been opened at the top of his head.

Morgan’s right hand groped at his belt and found the handle

of the Sword of Leah.

Teel ripped free of Steff, turned and pulled him about. There

was a fury in her eyes, in the way the cords of her throat went

taut, that even the mask could not conceal. Yanking Steff’s dag-

ger from its sheath, she buried it deep in his chest. Steff toppled

backward, gasping.

Teel turned back then to finish Morgan, half-raised over him,

and he thrust the broken blade of his sword into her stomach.

Back she reared, screaming so that Morgan arched away from

her in spite of himself. But he kept his hands fastened on the

handle of the sword. Then something strange began to happen.

The Sword of Leah grew warm and flared with light. He could

feel it stir and come to life.

The magic! Oh, Shades-it was the magic!

Power surged through the blade, linking them together, flow-

ing into Teel. Crimson fire exploded through her. Her hands

tore at the blade, at her body, at her face, and the mask came

free. Morgan Leah would never forget what lay beneath, a coun-

tenance bom of the blackest pits of the netherworld, ravaged

and twisted and alive with demons that he had only imagined

might exist. Tsel seemed to disappear entirely, and there was

only the Shadowen behind the face, a thing of blackness and no

substance, an emptiness that blocked and swallowed the light.

Invisible hands fought to thrust Morgan away, to strip him of

his weapon and of his soul.

“Leah! Leah!” He sounded the battle cry of his ancestors,

of the Kings and Princes of his land for a thousand years, and

that single word became the talisman to which he clung.

The Shadowen’s scream became a shriek. Then it collapsed,

the darkness that sustained it crumbling and fading away. Teel

returned, a frail, limp bundle, empty of life and being. She fell

forward atop him, dead.

It took several minutes for Morgan to find the strength to push

Teel away. He lay there in the wetness of his own sweat and

blood, listening to the sudden silence, exhausted, pinned to the

cavern floor by the dead girl’s weight. His only thought was that

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Categories: Terry Brooks