Heritage of Shannara 1 – The Scions of Shannara by Brooks, Terry

and served it with hot bread and cold ale. They sat out under

the pines at a table and benches and consumed the better pan

of their food and drink, the day finally beginning to cool as

night approached and an evening breeze rustled down out of the

hills. Morgan brought out pears and cheese for dessert, and they

nibbled contentedly as the sky turned red, then deep purple, and

finally darkened and filled with stars.

“I love the Highlands,” Morgan said after they had been

silent for a time. They were seated on the stone steps of the

lodge now. “I could leam to love the city as well I expect, but

not while it belongs to the Federation. I sometimes find myself

wondering what it would have been like to live in the old home,

before they took it from us. That was a long time ago, of course-

six generations ago. No one remembers what it was like any-

more. My father won’t even talk about it. But here-well, this

is still ours, this land. The Federation hasn’t been able to take

that away yet. There’s just too much of it. Maybe that’s why I

love it so much-because it’s the last thing my family has left

from the old days.”

“Besides the sword,” Par reminded.

“Do you still carry that battered old relic?” Coil asked. “I

keep thinking you will discard it in favor of something newer

and better made.”

Morgan glanced over. “Do you remember the stories that

said the Sword of Leah was once magic?”

“Allanon himself was supposed to have made it so,” Par


‘ ‘Yes, in the time of Rone Leah.” Morgan furrowed his brow.

“Sometimes I think it still is magic. Not as it once was, not as

a weapon that could withstand Mord Wraiths and such, but in a

different way. The scabbard has been replaced half-a-dozen times

over the years, the hilt once or twice at least, and both are worn

again. But the blade-ah, that blade! It is still as sharp and true

as ever, almost as if it cannot age. Doesn’t that require magic

of a sort?”

The brothers nodded solemnly. “Magic sometimes changes

in the way it works,” Par said. “It grows and evolves. Perhaps

that has happened with the Sword of Leah.” He was thinking

as he said it how the old man had told him he did not understand

the magic at all and wondering if that were true.

“Well, truth is, no one wants the weapon in any case, not

anymore.” Morgan stretched like a cat and sighed. “No one

wants anything that belongs to the old days, it seems. The re-

minders are too painful, I think. My father didn’t say a word

when I asked for the blade. He just gave it to me.”

Coil reached over and gave the other a friendly shove. ‘ ‘Well,

your father ought to be more careful to whom he hands out his


Morgan managed to look put upon. “Am I the one being

asked to join the Movement?” he demanded. They laughed.

* ‘By the way. You mentioned the stranger gave you a ring. Mind

if I take a look?”

Par reached into his tunic, fished out the ring with the hawk

insigne and passed it over. Morgan took it and examined it

carefully, then shrugged and handed it back. “I don’t recognize

it. But that doesn’t necessarily mean anything. I hear there are

a dozen outlaw bands within the Movement and they all change

their markings regularly to confuse the Federation.”

He took a long drink from his ale glass and leaned back again.

“Sometimes I think I ought to go north and join them-quit

wasting time here playing games with those fools who live in

my house and govern my land and don’t even know the history.”

He shook his head sadly and for a moment looked old.

Then he brightened. “But now about you.” He swung his

legs around and sat forward. “You can’t risk going back until

you’re certain it’s safe. So you’ll stay here for a day or so and

let me go ahead. I’ll make certain the Federation hasn’t gotten

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Categories: Terry Brooks