Heritage of Shannara 1 – The Scions of Shannara by Brooks, Terry

tered against his head, and the bones of his chiseled features

glistened with rainwater. He seemed heedless of his condition

as he crossed the room to confront them.

Par and Coil rose slowly from where they had been working.

“You can’t go back to the Vale,” Morgan said quietly. “There

are Federation soldiers everywhere. I can’t be certain if there

are Seekers as well, but I wouldn’t be surprised. The village is

under ‘Federation Protection’-that’s the euphemism they use

for armed occupation. They’re definitely waiting for you. I asked

a few questions and found out right away; no one’s making any

secret of it. Your parents are under house arrest. I think they’re

okay, but I couldn’t risk trying to talk to them. I’m sorry. There

would have been too many questions.”

He took a deep breath. “Someone wants you very badly, my


Par and Coil looked at each other, and there was no attempt

by either to disguise the fear. “What are we going to do?” Par

asked softly.

“I’ve been thinking about that the whole way back,” Morgan

said. He reached over and put a hand on his friend’s slim shoul-

der. “So I’ll tell you what we’re going to do-and I do mean

‘we’ because I figure I’m in this thing with you now.”

His hand tightened. “We’re going east to look for Walker

Boh ”


Morgan Leah could be very persuasive when he chose,

and he proved it that night in the rain-shrouded

Highlands to Par and Coll.

He obviously had given the matter a great deal of thought,

just as he claimed he had, and his reasoning was quite thorough.

Simply stated, it was all a matter of choices. He took just enough

time to strip away his wet clothing and dry off before seating the

brothers cross-legged before the warmth of the fireplace with

glasses of ale and hot bread in hand to hear his explanation.

He started with what they knew. They knew they could not

go back to Shady Vale-not now and maybe not for a long time.

They could not go back to Callahom either. Matter of fact, they

could not go much of anywhere they might be expected to go

because, if the Federation had expended this much time and

effort to find them so far, they were hardly likely to stop now.

Rimmer Dall was known to be a tenacious enforcer. He had

personally involved himself in this hunt, and he would not give

it up easily. The Seekers would be looking for the brothers ev-

erywhere Federation rule extended-and that was a long, long

way. Par and Coil could consider themselves, for all intents and

purposes, to be outlaws.

So what were they to do? Since they could not go anyplace

where they were expected, they must go someplace they were

not expected. The trick, of course, was not to go just anywhere,

but to go where they might accomplish something useful.

“After all, you could stay here if you chose, and you might

not be discovered for who-knows-how-long because the Feder-

ation wouldn’t know enough to look for you in the Highlands.

He shrugged. “It might even be fun for a while. But what would

it accomplish? Two months, four months, whatever, you would

still be outlaws, you would still be unable to go home, and

nothing would have changed. Doesn’t make sense, does it? What

you need to do is to take control of things. Don’t wait for events

to catch up with you; go out and meet them head-on!”

What he meant was that they should attempt to solve the

riddle of the dreams. There was nothing they could do about the

fact that the Federation was hunting them, that soldiers occupied

Shady Vale, or that they were perceived to be outlaws. One day,

all that might change-but not in the immediate future. The

dreams, on the other hand, were something with which they

might be able to come to grips. If the dreams were the real thing,

they were worth knowing more about. The old man had told

them to come to the Hadeshom on the first night of the new

moon. They hadn’t wanted to do that before for two very sound

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Categories: Terry Brooks