Keene, Carolyn – Nancy Drew 006 – The Secret of Red Gate Farm

posite looked very tired, worried, and even ill.

Nancy judged the girl to be her own age.

“Why are you so quiet. Nancy?” Bess de-

manded suddenly.

“Just resting,” Nancy returned.

She did not tell her friends that she had be-

come interested in the nearby passenger, tor

George and Bess often teased her about her habit

of scrutinizing strange faces. However, it was

Nancy’s lively interest in people that was largely

responsible for involving her in unusual adven-

tures, and she was always on the alert for a new


Bess eyed her perfume package longingly and

finally ripped off the paper. “I can’t stand it any

longer.” She sighed. “I must try some of this de-

licious-smelling stuff!” She opened the bottle

and dabbed a couple of drops behind each ear.

Then she offered it to George. “Try some. It’s

really lovely-makes me think I’m in the mystic


George could not keep from making a face. “No

thank you!” she replied firmly. “It’s not my


Nancy and Bess laughed. Then Bess offered

some to Nancy, who accepted willingly. Bess

again took out the stopper and was leaning over

to put some perfume on Nancy when the train

lurched and jogged her arm.

“Oh!” Bess cried in horror. The perfume

sprayed over Nancy, as the bottle fell to the floor.

“Such a waste of money!” George muttered as

she picked up the half-empty container.

“What a shame!” Nancy exclaimed. “It’s your

perfume, Bess, and now I have a lot of it on me.”

Bess groaned. “I should’ve waited till I was

home to open the bottle. I’m lucky there’s some

left!” Carefully she placed the small vial in her


By now the concentrated odor of Blue Jade had

permeated the car, and passengers in nearby seats

flung open the windows.

“I’m glad we’re getting off at the next stop.”

Nancy giggled. “Everyone is laughing at us.”

Nancy had become so engrossed with the

spilled perfume that she had forgotten about the

pale young woman who occupied the opposite

seat. Now, as Nancy turned her head, she was

startled to see that the girl had slumped down in

a dejected heap.

“She’s fainted!” Nancy exclaimed, moving

quickly across the aisle.

She shook the girl gently, but there was no re-

sponse from the frail figure.

“Bess! Ask if there is a doctor in the car!”

Nancy cried urgently.

By this time other passengers in the car were

aware that something had happened, and were

crowding about, asking unnecessary questions

and getting in the way. Nancy politely asked them

to move back.

There did not appear to be a doctor in the

coach, but as Nancy rubbed the girl’s wrists, she

was relieved to see that she was showing signs of

recovering consciousness.

George quickly raised the window so that the

fresh air fanned the girl’s face. Leaning against

the seat, she looked deathly pale.

“What can I do?” George asked.

“Stay here while I get some water,” Nancy an-

swered. “She’s coming around now. I think she’ll

be all right in a few minutes.”

Nancy hurried to the water cooler at the far end

of the car. As she was trying to fill the paper

cup, a man who had been standing near the door-

way came toward her. He made a pretense of wait-

ing his turn to get a drink, yet she realized by

the intent look on his face that something had

startled him. He was deliberately studying her!

Was it because of the perfume? She fairly reeked

with it!

Nancy was not prepared, however, for what

came next. The man edged closer to her, glanced

quickly about to see that no one was close by, and

muttered in a guttural tone:

“Any word from the Chief?”

Nancy was taken completely by surprise. She

knew she had never seen the man before, for she

would not have forgotten such a cruel face. His

steel-gray eyes bored straight into her. Nancy

was so bewildered she could think of nothing to


The stranger realized at once that he had made

a mistake. “Excuse me, miss. My error,” he mur-

mured, starting for the car ahead. “But that per-

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Categories: Keene, Carolyn