Keene, Carolyn – Nancy Drew 006 – The Secret of Red Gate Farm

you ever applied for a job before?”

“No. I’ve always helped Gram run the farm

until now,” Joanne explained. “I felt I was more

needed there than anywhere else. We keep a farm

hand, but a great deal of the work still falls

upon me.”

The girls soon reached Riverside Heights, and

Nancy had no trouble finding the address men-

tioned in the advertisement. It was in a run-down

section of the city, but Nancy did not mention

this to her companion.

“Here we are,” Nancy said cheerfully, stop-

ping the car in front of a dingy-looking office


Joanne made no move to get out of the car, but

sat nervously pressing her hands together.

“I’m a terrible coward,” she confessed. “I don’t

know what in the world to say when I go in. I wish

you’d come with me.”

“I’ll be glad to,” said Nancy, as she turned off

the ignition and locked the car. They entered

the building. There was no elevator, so the girls

climbed the dimly lighted stairway to the third

floor. Soon they came to Room 305, which had

been mentioned in the advertisement.

“There’s no name on the door,” Nancy ob-

served, “but this must be the right place.”

As they stepped into the reception room,

Nancy noted that it was dirty and drab. The two

girls glanced at each other, exchanging expres-

sions of disappointment.

At that moment a man came from the inner of-

fice and surveyed the girls sharply. He was tall

and wiry, with hostile, penetrating eyes and harsh

features. His suit was bold in pattern and color,

and his necktie was gaudy.

“Well?” he demanded coldly.

Joanne found sufficient courage to take the ad-

vertisement from her pocket.

“I-I saw this in the paper,” she stammered.

“I came to apply for the position.”

The man stared at Joanne critically, then at


“You lookin’ for the job too?” he asked.

Nancy shook her head. “No. I’m here with my


The man looked at Joanne again and said with

a shrug of his shoulders, “Go on in the other

room. I’ll talk to you in a minute.”

Joanne cast Nancy a doubtful glance and

obediently stepped into the inner office.

“Look here,” the man addressed Nancy,

“wouldn’t you like that job? I could use a good-

lookin’ girl like you.”

“I’m not looking for work, thank you,” Nancy

returned aloofly.

The man was about to make a retort when the

telephone rang. He scowled and went over to the

table to answer it. As he lifted the receiver he

looked nervously back toward Nancy.

“Hello,” he growled into the phone. “This is

Al. Shoot!”

Nancy listened to his end of the unbusiness-

like conversation and watched him reach for pa-

per and pencil and begin to scribble down a line

of figures. This in itself would not have seemed

so peculiar, except that he continued to eye

Nancy suspiciously.

He kept on copying figures. All the while

Nancy watched him curiously.

“O.K., Hank,” he muttered just before he

hung up. “You say you’ve found a girl? . . .

Fine! We can’t be too careful in this business!”

All this time Nancy was wondering what kind

of transactions went on in this office. There had

been no indication on the door of what business

the man was engaged in and nothing in the room

gave her any clue. She realized now that Joanne’s

chances of getting the position were slim, and

Nancy was actually relieved. She was very sus-

picious of the whole setup.

“I was just taking down some stock-market quo-

tations,” the man remarked lightly as he crossed

the room toward Nancy.

“This isn’t an investment house, is it?” she


“No, you wouldn’t call it that exactly,” he an-

swered with a smirk. “We run a manufacturing


“I see,” Nancy murmured, though she really

did not understand at all. “What do you manu-


The man pretended not to hear and moved on

to the inner office where Joanne was waiting. In

haste to escape further questions, he forgot to

pick up the sheet of paper with the numbers on


Nancy was curious about the telephone conver-

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Categories: Keene, Carolyn