Keene, Carolyn – Nancy Drew 006 – The Secret of Red Gate Farm

accept their share of the counterfeit bills, they

would doubtless remove their masks. How would

the girls escape detection then?

Nancy realized the situation was becoming

more serious. She and her friends must escape

before the actual distribution of the money be-

gan. If only Al Snead would move away from the


One thought comforted Nancy. Joanne was on

guard outside the cave. If worst came to worst and

escape was cut off, Joanne undoubtedly would be-

come alarmed and hurry back to the farmhouse

for help.

“We may have to make a dash for it!” Nancy

warned George in a whisper. “If that man moves

away from the door, be ready!”

Al Snead did not move, however, and it seemed

to the girls that he was watching them. They

wondered if their whispering had made him sus-


Bess trembled slightly, and moved nearer

Nancy. Maurice Hale had finished counting the

money, and, glancing over the assembly, an-

nounced in a commanding voice:

“Well, those of you who haven’t removed your

masks had better do it one by one. I want to be

sure no one is here who shouldn’t be!” He

pointed to Bess. “You first!”

Nancy and her friends felt themselves go cold.

They were trapped! There was nothing they

could do now but make a wild dash for safety.

“Readyl” Nancy muttered under her breath.

Before the girls could put their ideas into ac-

tion, they were startled by a loud commotion in

the tunnel. An instant later the guard, who had

been stationed at the entrance of the cave, burst

into the chamber. He was half dragging a young

girl who fought violently to free herself.

The victim was Joanne!



Nancy’s first impulse was to dash forward and

try to help Joanne. But instantly she realized the

foolishness of such an act. George half started to-

ward Joanne, but Nancy restrained her.

“Wait!” she whispered tensely.

If the situation had been grave before, it was

even more serious now. With Joanne captured

there was no one to go for help! The girls must

depend entirely on themselves to escape from

the cave. No one at the farmhouse knew that they

were doing anything more than watching the

Black Snake Colony from a safe distance.

“Let me go!” Joanne cried, struggling to free


“Where did she come from?” Maurice Hale de-

manded unpleasantly.

“I saw her hiding among the bushes,” the

guard informed him. “She was spying! But she

got just a little too curious!”

“Spying, eh?” A harsh expression crossed the

leader’s face. “Well, we know what to do with


“It’s all a mistake,” Joanne murmured, on the

verge of tears. “I didn’t mean any harm. I’m Mrs.

Byrd’s granddaughter and I was merely curious to

know more about the cult.”

Even as Joanne spoke, her eyes traveled about

the room, noting the stacks of money and the

queer printing presses. She tried not to show that

she understood their significance, but it was too

late. The leader had seen her startled expression.

“So?” he drawled smartly. “This time your

curiosity has been the means of getting you into

serious trouble. You’ll learn, by the time we get

through with you, not to meddle in affairs that

don’t concern you!” He turned quickly to Snead.

“Al, see that no one leaves this room!”

“Yes, Chief,” the guard answered.

Nancy wondered what he had in mind. Just

then Maurice Hale continued in a cold, harsh


“Just to make sure that other spies haven’t

been pulling a fast one on us, I’ll have everyone

remove his mask at once. Be mighty quick about

it tool”

“No!” Bess whimpered aloud. Then, realizing

what she had done, she covered her mouth and

sank back against the wall.

All heads turned in her direction. Nancy and

her friends had deliberately delayed in removing

their masks, but now Nancy knew their effort to

gain time was doomed.

With Al Snead still blocking the door, things

looked black. Most of the others already had

stripped off their headgear.

In addition to Maurice Hale and Al Snead,

Nancy immediately recognized Yvonne Wong

and Pete, the man who had spoken to her on the

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Categories: Keene, Carolyn