Keene, Carolyn – Nancy Drew 006 – The Secret of Red Gate Farm

train. Next she spotted Mr. Kent, and finally, the

woman with the upswept hairdo who had

brought her the faked letter.

“That woman’s the same one I saw at the serv-

ice station with the three men,” Nancy thought.

“If she hadn’t changed her hair style, I might

have recognized her the night she delivered the


The other unmasked members were strangers

to Nancy. Tensely now she watched as the leader

stood before Bess.

“Nothing to be afraid of, dear,” he said, and

gently lifted off the ghostly head covering. The

next instant Maurice Hale practically shrieked,

“A spy!”

His face contorted with rage, Maurice snatched

the white cloth headpieces from George’s face,

then Nancy’s. Their scheme was exposed to all

the members of the counterfeit gang!

For an instant there was stunned silence, then

angry cries arose from the Black Snake Colony


“They’re the ones who bought the Blue Jade

perfume from me!” Yvonne Wong shrieked.

Al Snead glared at Nancy. “Yeah. I knew

something was wrong when you came into the of-

fice wearin’ the Blue Jade. I smelled it, but didn’t

let on.”

He then pointed accusingly toward Joanne.

“That girl is the one who applied at our city of-

fice for a job! When she told me who she was and

where she was from I knew she was the last per-

son in the world we’d want to hire!”

“That crazy idea of yours about someone with

farm experience,” the leader cried. “We didn’t

need anybody to talk to our agents about cows

and chickens-”

“But this place is in the country,” Al Snead

defended himself. “And in our codes we use a lot

of that kind of lingo.”

“Silence!” Maurice yelled, and turned to Jo-

anne. “So you thought you’d get a job at our of-

fice and spy on us! And your meddling friend

Nancy Drew was in cahoots with you.”

“No, oh no!” Joanne cried out. “It was only

by accident. I wanted to find a job and help my

grandmother. Nancy was just trying to help me

locate the office-”

“Don’t expect us to believe a trumped-up story

like that,” the leader said harshly. “We know all

about why you two have been snooping around

ever since Al had Pete trail you from Riverside

Heights. What’s more, we know how to deal with

such people!”

Hale turned menacingly to Nancy. “You’ll

wish you’d taken Pete’s advice when he called

your pal”-he indicated George-“and warned

her that you’d better mind your own business.”

“Oh, Maurice, please don’t be too harsh with

the girls,” a timid voice pleaded. “They didn’t

mean any harm.” As she finished, the speaker re-

moved her mask.

Nancy turned quickly to see the woman she

had helped in the woods and later had taken to


“So she’s a counterfeiter!” Nancy told herself

incredulously. “I can’t believe it!”

“Didn’t mean any harm?” Maurice drawled

sarcastically. “Oh, no, of course not. They only

wanted to land the whole Hale Syndicate in jail!

Not that you would care! If I had known what a

whiner you are, I’d never have married you!

Mind your own business and let me take care of


In spite of the seriousness of her own situation,

Nancy felt pity for the woman. Undoubtedly as

the wife of such a tyrant as Maurice Hale she had

stayed with him against her will. She had hated

the life that he had forced her to lead, but evi-

dently she had been powerless to escape from it.

“No wonder the poor woman took a chance

and slipped away from time to time,” Nancy


Frightened by the harsh words of her husband,

Mrs. Hale moved back into a far corner of the

room. Nancy wished she could help her in some

way, but realized that the woman dared not say


“What’ll we do with these girls?” the leader de-

manded. “We can’t let ’em go. They know too


On all sides angry mutterings arose. Yvonne

Wong heartlessly proposed that the girls be tied

up and left prisoners in the cave. But Maurice

Hale ruled down that suggestion.

“We’ll have to get ’em out of here,” he said.

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Categories: Keene, Carolyn