Keene, Carolyn – Nancy Drew 006 – The Secret of Red Gate Farm

The woman glanced up, startled. Nancy was

surprised to see that she was the woman from the

Black Snake Colony whom she had helped several

days before on the river trail! What she was do-

ing so far from her camp Nancy did not know,

but she was determined to make the most of the

opportunity at hand.

“Please get in,” Nancy urged, as the woman

hesitated. “I’m sure your foot must be paining

you. I notice that you are still limping.”

“Thanks,” the woman returned gratefully,

hobbling over to the car door which Nancy held

open for her. “I am in a hurry to get to town.”

Before stepping inside she looked quickly over

her shoulder as though fearing that someone

might observe her actions.

She sighed in relief and settled back, looking

very pale and exhausted.

“You weren’t intending to walk all the way to

town?” Nancy asked in a friendly, conversational


The woman nodded. “I had to get there some-


“But aren’t the members of your colony per-

mitted to use any of the cars I’ve seen around the

camp?” Nancy questioned, watching her compan-

ion closely and hoping that she might tactfully

glean some information.

“We aren’t allowed much freedom,” the

woman answered.

“You shouldn’t be walking on that foot yet,”

Nancy protested. “You’re apt to injure your

ankle permanently.”

“It’s nearly well now,” the woman told her,

avoiding Nancy’s eyes. “They didn’t know at the

camp that I was going to town. I-I left in a


Again the stranger cast an anxious glance over

her shoulder. “She obviously thinks she’s being

followed,” Nancy thought to herself. “Perhaps

she’s even running away!”

Nancy wanted to ask her companion a number

of questions but the woman’s aloofness discour-

aged her. Deciding on an entirely different

course, the young sleuth pretended not to pay

particular attention to the woman. For some time

they drove along in silence. Nancy could see that

her passenger was gradually relaxing and losing

her fear.

“Am I going too fast for you?” Nancy inquired,

thinking the time was right to launch the conver-


“Oh, no,” the woman returned quickly. “You

can’t go too fast for me.” She hesitated, and then

added, “I have an important letter to mail.”

“Why don’t you drop it in one of the roadside

mailboxes?” Nancy suggested casually. “The ru-

ral carrier will pick it up and save you a long


“I want to get it off this morning if I possibly


“I’ll be glad to go to the post office and mail

it for you,” Nancy said, purposely drawing the

woman out.

“Thank you, but no,” the woman mumbled.

“I- I’d feel better if I did it myself.” As Nancy

did not reply, she said, “I don’t mean to be un-

grateful for all you’ve done-really I don’t. It’s

only that I mustn’t get you into trouble.”

“How could I get into trouble by helping

you?” Nancy asked with a smile.

“You don’t understand,” her companion re-

plied nervously. “There are things I can’t ex-

plain. The leaders of the colony will be very

angry with me if they find I have left even for a

few hours, and especially that I’ve mailed this let-

ter to my sister. The cult forbids communication

with the outside world.”

“I can’t understand why you tolerate such rigid

supervision,” Nancy said impatiently. “Why,

the leader of the cult must treat you as pris-


“You’re not far from wrong,” the woman con-


“Then why don’t you run away?”

The question startled the woman. She glanced

sharply at Nancy, then as quickly looked away.

“I would if I dared,” she said finally.

“Why don’t you dare?” Nancy challenged.

“I’ll help you.”

“No, you mustn’t get mixed up in this. Per-

haps later I can get away.”

“I don’t see what anyone can do to you if you

decide to leave the colony,” Nancy went on.

“Surely you’re a free person.”

“Not any more,” her companion returned

sadly. “I’m in it too deep now. I’ll have to go on

until Fate helps me.”

“I wouldn’t wait,” Nancy advised bluntly.

“Let me help you-right now!”


Disturbing Gossip

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Categories: Keene, Carolyn