Keene, Carolyn – Nancy Drew 006 – The Secret of Red Gate Farm

to everything, including the Hale Syndicate’s


“So you’re the young detective Chief McGin-

nis mentioned in his reports to us,” one of the

agents said admiringly. “What you’ve done so far

is really astounding. Chief McGinnis didn’t men-

tion you by name. He probably figured you

would prefer him not to.

“Your deductions seem very sound. Miss

Drew, and I’d advise you to be careful. That Hale

gang may think you know too much already. I’ll

take this note and pass it along to a handwriting

expert. Perhaps Yvonne Wong was the person

who delivered it.”

Nancy shook her head. “From what I could see

of the woman, I know she wasn’t Yvonne.”

After the agent had wished Nancy luck on the

solution of the mystery, she said good-by to the

men, and, with the others, went back to her car.

Although Karl Abbott was eager to continue

on to Red Gate Farm to see his father, he ex-

pressed concern about the three girls and their

upsetting experience. He asked for a detailed ac-

count of the events which had led to Nancy’s pre-

dicament. He was most interested and sympa-

thetic when the girls told him the whole story.

“Well,” he said admiringly, “I guess I won’t

worry too much about you girls. You certainly

aren’t easily daunted by emergencies.”

After Karl Jr. and the trio had exchanged good-

bys, the young man got into his car and drove on

to the farm.

Bess turned to her companions. “Where to?

I’m more starved than ever.”

“It’s only a short way to town from here,”

Nancy replied. “We can get breakfast there and

then do our shopping.”

Soon the girls reached Round Valley. When

they finished eating, Nancy looked at Mrs. Byrd’s


“There’s really not much on it,” she com-

mented. “Two of us could do the shopping. Sup-

pose you girls take over and I’ll go buy the

material for our costumes.”

“Material?” Bess queried.

Nancy laughed. “If we’re going to join the

Black Snake group in one of their rites, we’ll

need ghost costumes, and I’ve decided it wouldn’t

be fair to Mrs. Byrd to ruin four of her sheets

and pillowcases.”

Suddenly George said, “What are we going to

use for money?”

Nancy had only two dollars. Bess and George

between them counted six.

“That will pay for the meat and groceries,”

Bess said. “I guess our costume material and the

other errands will have to wait.”

The food shopping was soon finished and the

girls returned to Red Gate Farm.

Joanne met them at the kitchen door. “Guess

what?” she burst out. “The telephone repairman

was here. He said our line had been cut!”

Nancy nodded. “By those people who were

here last night.”

“I suppose so. Oh, Nancy, I’m so worried for

you. And Karl Jr. tells us you’ve had another ad-

venture this morning. He said you’d explain.”

Nancy, with lively interruptions from Bess

and George, related the girls’ recent experience.

“I gave those Secret Service men the note and

told them the Hale Syndicate might be mixed up

in some way with the counterfeiters. The syndi-

cate may be the distributors of the phony bills.”

“Well, do let the authorities take care of it,”

Joanne urged. “I want you girls to have a good

time while you’re here.”

“Oh, I’m having a wonderful time,” Nancy as-

sured her. “By the way, I think we should work

on our costumes for the hillside ceremony.

Could you repay us the money we spent today so

I can buy more material? We decided it isn’t fair

to use your grandmother’s good linens.”

“Oh, yes, right away. I’ll get it from Gram. And

I think there are a few more groceries she needs.”

Joanne returned in a few minutes and handed

over the money to which she added enough for

the marketing. Nancy headed for town. She had

gone about a mile when she sighted a woman

hurrying along the side of the country road. She

was limping slightly.

“I’ll offer her a ride,” Nancy decided. “She

seems to be in a great hurry.”

She halted the car and called, “May I give you

a lift to town?”

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Categories: Keene, Carolyn