Keene, Carolyn – Nancy Drew 006 – The Secret of Red Gate Farm

George a little later, maybe we can come up with

some plan” she thought.

There had been a letter from Mr. Drew, in-

forming Nancy that he had returned home. “At

least Dad’s making progress on his case!” she

said to herself.

Then Nancy hurried off to the barn where the

“city slickers,” as Reuben called them, were to

have a milking lesson.

“It’s no trick at all!” Bess insisted. “Give me

that pail and I’ll show you just how it’s done.”

Reuben handed over the bucket, and Bess

marched determinedly up to the cow.

“Nice bossy,” she murmured, giving the ani-

mal a timid pat on the neck.

The cow responded with a suspicious look and

flirt of her tail. As Bess set down the milking

stool, the cow kicked it over.

Bess sprang back in alarm. “You can’t expect

me to milk a vicious cow!” she exclaimed.

Joanne and Reuben exploded with laughter.

“Primrose is an extremely smart cow,” Reuben

drawled. “She won’t stand being milked except

from the side she’s used to!”

Reluctantly Bess picked up the overturned

stool and went around to the left side. The cow

leisurely moved herself sideways.

“I give up! Here, you try it, George.”

“Oh, no, Bess. I wouldn’t spoil your fun for


After a great deal of maneuvering, Bess suc-

ceeded in handling the whole procedure to the

satisfaction of Primrose. Nancy came last, and

she, too, was a bit awkward. When Reuben finally

sat down to do the milking, the girls watched him

with admiration. “It just takes practice,” he said,


That evening Mrs. Salisbury and Mr. Abbott

had their usual disagreement and both retired

early. Mrs. Byrd soon followed, leaving the girls

alone on the porch.

“Do you think there will be any activity on the

hill tonight?” George asked suddenly.

“I’m not sure,” Joanne answered. “But it’s a

good clear night and the moon is full, so the

setting is perfect for it.”

“I’m dying to see what those nature enthu-

siasts look like,” added Bess. “Just so they don’t

come too close!”

It was a lovely evening and Nancy had been

only half listening to the chatter. She remained

silent and thoughtful. The letter addressed to

the Black Snake Colony was still very much on

her mind.

“What’s up, Nancy?” Bess finally asked, no-

ticing her friend’s silence.

“Three guesses,” Nancy replied with a laugh.

“I’m still curious about that envelope I had in

my hands this afternoon. I’m almost certain that

blurred postmark read Riverside Heights.”

“Even if it did,” George remarked, “it could

have been written by almost anyone and simply

mailed in Riverside Heights.”

“I suppose you’re right,” Nancy agreed. “I

guess I’m trying too hard. But let’s walk over

toward the hill.”

The four girls started off. They crossed one

field in front of the house and were just climbing

a rail fence to the next one when Nancy cried


“Am I seeing things? Look! Over there on that


Following her gaze, the girls were astonished to

see shadowy white figures flitting about in the


“Ghosts!” Bess exclaimed.

“Ghosts nothing,” George retorted. “There’s

no such animal!”

“Don’t be alarmed,” Joanne said with a smile.

“I imagine the members of the nature cult are

having one of their festive airings by the light of

the moon!”

The girls watched the cult members go

through their mystic rites.

“They’re not doing much of anything,” Nancy

observed, “except napping around.”

Within ten minutes the ceremony apparently

was concluded. The white figures clustered to-

gether for a moment, then moved off across the


“I wonder where they’re heading,” Nancy

mused. “Back to their tents?”

Joanne had been watching intently. Now she

shook her head. “I don’t think so. I forgot to tell

you-the cave has another opening on the slope

of the hill, near the river. The colony members

are going in that direction.”

Immediately Nancy’s curiosity was aroused.

Did this mean the white-robed group intended to

go into the cave itself? If so, why? To continue

the ceremony?

“It certainly was a short performance,” Bess

remarked as the mysterious “dancers” vanished

from sight. “I wonder if the ritual has any sig-

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Categories: Keene, Carolyn