Keene, Carolyn – Nancy Drew 006 – The Secret of Red Gate Farm

moment’s silence. Nancy could feel that the man

was staring at her, as if undecided whether or not

to believe her.

“So you were after the cow?” the lookout

growled. “Then why are you by this cave?”

“Why, I was just wondering what was inside,”

Nancy said innocently. “Surely there’s no harm

in looking.”

“You’ve no business around here!” the man

snapped. “This property belongs to the members

of the Black Snake Colony.”

“Oh!” Nancy exclaimed in pretended awe.

“Then you must belong to the colony. How very


The man made no response to Nancy’s remark.

Instead, he muttered:

“Round up that old cow of yours and get out of

here! And don’t come trespassing again!”

Nancy knew she would gain nothing by argu-

ing. Obediently she overtook the cow and headed

her back toward Red Gate. The man watched

until Nancy disappeared into the woods.

As soon as she had started the cow down the

path, however. Nancy quietly retraced her steps.

She reached the edge of the woods just in time to

catch a glimpse of the man entering the cave.

“That proves he’s one of the Black Snake

group,” she told herself. “He was acting as a

guard for them.”

For an instant Nancy was tempted to follow,

but common sense told her not to press her luck.

The lookout seemed determined enough to make

trouble for her if she took the chance. Reluc-

tantly, the young sleuth turned back toward the


It was clear to Nancy that the entire business

of the Black Snake group was anything but open

and aboveboard! Obviously they were afraid that

some of the countryfolk would attempt to investi-


When Nancy finally reached the barn and Jo-

anne began to milk Primrose, the other girls

plied their friend with questions.

“We were beginning to worry,” Joanne said in

relief. “I wouldn’t have let you go alone if I’d

known this cow of ours would stray so tar.”

“I’m glad I went,” Nancy said quickly.

She then told the others what had taken place

near the mouth of the cave. They gasped in as-

tonishment upon hearing of her encounter with

the lookout.

“Weren’t you frightened when he sprang up

out of nowhere?” Bess asked, giving Nancy an

admiring glance. “I’d have fainted on the spot!”

“That’s an easy way out if I ever heard one!”

Nancy commented with a laugh.

“Girls don’t faint these days,” George scoffed.

“Probably you’d have screamed and brought all

the members down on you. They’d have dragged

you off and put an end to you!”

“Thanks, George,” Bess muttered. “You say

the nicest things!”

“Well, girls, talk all you like,” Nancy added,

“but don’t lose your nerve altogether. I still want

to get a closer look at that cave!”

“Not tonight!” Bess said firmly.

Nancy smiled. “I hope there won’t be a ritual

on the hillside tonight. We’ve been too busy to

get our costumes ready.”

The girls watched but the distant landscape

remained dark. Finally they went to bed. Not

long afterward. Nancy was roused from a fitful

slumber by the stopping of a car not far from her

window. She hopped from bed and went to peer

out. A tall, slender woman who wore her hair

piled high was walking to the front door.

Nancy leaned out the window and called,

“What is it you wish?”

“Nancy Drew. Is she here?”

“Yes, I’m Nancy.”

“I have a letter for you.” Nancy did not recog-

nize the woman’s voice. But she might be dis-

guising it.

“From whom?”

“Your father.”

“Why are you bringing it now?”

“It’s an urgent message,” the strange woman

said. “I’ll leave it on the doorstep.”

She dropped the letter, hurried into the car,

and the man at the wheel drove off. Heart pound-

ing, Nancy put on her robe and slippers and

hurried down to the front door.


Secret Service Agents

The stopping of the car at the house had

awakened Mrs. Byrd who slept on the first floor.

She met Nancy in the hall and asked what was


Quickly Nancy told her, then opened the door.

On the porch lay a plain envelope with Nancy’s

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Categories: Keene, Carolyn