Phule’s Company by Robert Asprin

“That’s the way I see it, too,” Phule said. “If you’re agreeable, I’d like you to take over the classes.”

“Me? Shoot, I don’t know that much about stick forms.”

“What I want you to do is to take private lessons from Escrima, then teach what you learn to the rest of the company. If nothing else, it might keep them from teasing you quite so much if they see what you can do in a formal class situation.”

“I’ll give it a try, Captain,” the Gnat said doubtfully, then her face split in a quick grin. “Tell you what. I’ll do it if you give me some private lessons in fencing. Deal?”

“Deal,” the commander said. “Now, both of you get out of here and let me get some work done.”


Journal #111

While the changes in the Legionnaires’ views of themselves and each other were remarkable, the reversal of the attitudes toward the company on the part of the local citizens was as, or more, noteworthy. Perhaps the most radical change was on the part of the head of tire police, Chief Goetz.

“Really appreciate your stopping by, Chief,” the company commander said, shaking that notable’s hand crisply as they met in the Plaza lobby.

“Well, I figured if you were nice enough to invite me along for this special weapons demo you were getting, the least I could do was offer you a ride,” Goetz said. “Oh, by the way, I never got around to thanking you for including me in that spread your chef cooked up. It was delicious … even if I’m not sure what I was eating half the time.”

“To tell you the truth,” Phule said, grinning, “neither did I. I figured it would be rude to ask, if not flat-out dangerous to your health. Escrima has a record of being more than a little touchy about his cooking. It did taste great, though, didn’t it?”

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Categories: Asprin, Robert