Phule’s Company by Robert Asprin

“Oh, don’t stop there, Captain. I’m dying to hear your explanation of the rest of the article.”

“The rest of what, ma’am?” Phule said, studying the screen of the hand com unit Beeker had passed him. “I have the article in front of me now, and I’m not sure what else the colonel requires comment on.”

“Are you serious? For openers, why did you issue a press release at all?”

“That’s easy.” The commander smiled. “I didn’t. It seems someone on the hotel staff leaked the word to the media when we checked in, and a reporter showed up looking for an interview. I don’t know how much experience the colonel has had with the media, but I’ve always found that once the media is looking for a story, it’s best to give them one. Otherwise, they’re inclined to invent one of their own. If one volunteers a story, they’ll only get some of the facts wrong-like my rank-rather than publishing a yarn that’s all wrong. Realizing the rather spotty background of the Legionnaires I’ve been assigned to, I thought it would be wisest if the interview centered on myself rather than allow it to wander into areas we’d just as soon not have publicized.”

“Wait a minute. Let’s get back to something you said a second ago, about the hotel staff alerting the media that you had arrived. Why did you give the reporter your real name instead of your Legion name?”

“She already had it …”


“That’s right. The reporter was a woman … a rather attractive one at that. Of course, I didn’t make any attempt to point that out or take advantage of it during the interview.”

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Categories: Asprin, Robert