Speeches: Literary and Social by Charles Dickens

return to it we all hail with delight, and who now sits – or lately

did sit – within a few chairs of or on your left hand. I hope I

may also claim to acknowledge the toast on behalf of the sisterhood

of literature also, although that “better half of human nature,” to

which Mr. Gladstone rendered his graceful tribute, is unworthily

represented here, in the present state of its rights and wrongs, by

the devouring monster, man.

All the arts, and many of the sciences, bear witness that women,

even in their present oppressed condition, can attain to quite as

great distinction, and can attain to quite as lofty names as men.

Their emancipation (as I am given to understand) drawing very near,

there is no saying how soon they may “push us from our stools” at

these tables, or how soon our better half of human nature, standing

in this place of mine, may eloquently depreciate mankind,

addressing another better half of human nature sitting in the

president’s chair.

The literary visitors of the Royal Academy to-night desire me to

congratulate their hosts on a very interesting exhibition, in which

risen excellence supremely asserts itself, and from which promise

of a brilliant succession in time to come is not wanting. They

naturally see with especial interest the writings and persons of

great men – historians, philosophers, poets, and novelists, vividly

illustrated around them here. And they hope that they may modestly

claim to have rendered some little assistance towards the

production of many of the pictures in this magnificent gallery.

For without the patient labours of some among them unhistoric

history might have long survived in this place, and but for the

researches and wandering of others among them, the most

preposterous countries, the most impossible peoples, and the

absurdest superstitions, manners, and customs, might have usurped

the place of truth upon these walls. Nay, there is no knowing, Sir

Francis Grant, what unlike portraits you yourself might have

painted if you had been left, with your sitters, to idle pens,

unchecked reckless rumours, and undenounced lying malevolence.

I cannot forbear, before I resume my seat, adverting to a sad theme

(the recent death of Daniel Maclise) to which his Royal Highness

the Prince of Wales made allusion, and to which the president

referred with the eloquence of genuine feeling. Since I first

entered the public lists, a very young man indeed, it has been my

constant fortune to number amongst my nearest and dearest friends

members of the Royal Academy who have been its grace and pride.

They have so dropped from my side one by one that I already, begin

to feel like the Spanish monk of whom Wilkie tells, who had grown

to believe that the only realities around him were the pictures

which he loved, and that all the moving life he saw, or ever had

seen, was a shadow and a dream.

Page 126

Dickens, Charles – Speeches, Literary & Social

For many years I was one of the two most intimate friends and most

constant companions of the late Mr. Maclise. Of his genius in his

chosen art I will venture to say nothing here, but of his

prodigious fertility of mind and wonderful wealth of intellect, I

may confidently assert that they would have made him, if he had

been so minded, at least as great a writer as he was a painter.

The gentlest and most modest of men, the freshest as to his

generous appreciation of young aspirants, and the frankest and

largest-hearted as to his peers, incapable of a sordid or ignoble

thought, gallantly sustaining the true dignity of his vocation,

without one grain of self-ambition, wholesomely natural at the last

as at the first, “in wit a man, simplicity a child,” no artist, of

whatsoever denomination, I make bold to say, ever went to his rest

leaving a golden memory more pure from dross, or having devoted

himself with a truer chivalry to the art goddess whom he


[These were the last public words of Charles Dickens.]


(1) In the book from which this eText is taken this speech and

those that follow it were accidentally omitted in their right

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Categories: Charles Dickens