Speeches: Literary and Social by Charles Dickens

prevented by indisposition, and I besought my friend, Mr. Wilkie

Collins, to reign in my stead. He very kindly complied, and made

an excellent speech. Now I tell you the truth, that I read that

speech with considerable uneasiness, for it inspired me with a

strong misgiving that I had better have presided last year with

neuralgia in my face and my subject in my head, rather than preside

this year with my neuralgia all gone and my subject anticipated.

Therefore, I wish to preface the toast this evening by making the

managers of this Institution one very solemn and repentant promise,

and it is, if ever I find myself obliged to provide a substitute

again, they may rely upon my sending the most speechless man of my


The Chairman last year presented you with an amiable view of the

universality of the newsman’s calling. Nothing, I think, is left

for me but to imagine the newsman’s burden itself, to unfold one of

those wonderful sheets which he every day disseminates, and to take

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Dickens, Charles – Speeches, Literary & Social

a bird’s-eye view of its general character and contents. So, if

you please, choosing my own time – though the newsman cannot choose

his time, for he must be equally active in winter or summer, in

sunshine or sleet, in light or darkness, early or late – but,

choosing my own time, I shall for two or three moments start off

with the newsman on a fine May morning, and take a view of the

wonderful broadsheets which every day he scatters broadcast over

the country. Well, the first thing that occurs to me following the

newsman is, that every day we are born, that every day we are

married – some of us – and that every day we are dead;

consequently, the first thing the newsvendor’s column informs me

is, that Atkins has been born, that Catkins has been married, and

that Datkins is dead. But the most remarkable thing I immediately

discover in the next column, is that Atkins has grown to be

seventeen years old, and that he has run away; for, at last, my eye

lights on the fact that William A., who is seventeen years old, is

adjured immediately to return to his disconsolate parents, and

everything will be arranged to the satisfaction of everyone. I am

afraid he will never return, simply because, if he had meant to

come back, he would never have gone away. Immediately below, I

find a mysterious character in such a mysterious difficulty that it

is only to be expressed by several disjointed letters, by several

figures, and several stars; and then I find the explanation in the

intimation that the writer has given his property over to his

uncle, and that the elephant is on the wing. Then, still glancing

over the shoulder of my industrious friend, the newsman, I find

there are great fleets of ships bound to all parts of the earth,

that they all want a little more stowage, a little more cargo, that

they have a few more berths to let, that they have all the most

spacious decks, that they are all built of teak, and copperbottomed,

that they all carry surgeons of experience, and that they

are all A1 at Lloyds’, and anywhere else. Still glancing over the

shoulder of my friend the newsman, I find I am offered all kinds of

house-lodging, clerks, servants, and situations, which I can

possibly or impossibly want. I learn, to my intense gratification,

that I need never grow old, that I may always preserve the juvenile

bloom of my complexion; that if ever I turn ill it is entirely my

own fault; that if I have any complaint, and want brown cod-liver

oil or Turkish baths, I am told where to get them, and that, if I

want an income of seven pounds a-week, I may have it by sending

half-a-crown in postage-stamps. Then I look to the police

intelligence, and I can discover that I may bite off a human living

nose cheaply, but if I take off the dead nose of a pig or a calf

from a shop-window, it will cost me exceedingly dear. I also find

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Categories: Charles Dickens