Speeches: Literary and Social by Charles Dickens

for the honour of your – and my – independent vote and interest. I

will not ask what is that Secretarian figure, full of

blandishments, standing on the threshold, with its finger on its

lips. I will not ask how it comes that those personal

altercations, involving all the removes and definitions of

Shakespeare’s Touchstone – the retort courteous – the quip modest –

the reply churlish – the reproof valiant – the countercheck

quarrelsome – the lie circumstantial and the lie direct – are of

immeasurably greater interest in the House of Commons than the

health, the taxation, and the education, of a whole people. I will

not penetrate into the mysteries of that secret chamber in which

the Bluebeard of Party keeps his strangled public questions, and

with regard to which, when he gives the key to his wife, the new

comer, he strictly charges her on no account to open the door. I

will merely put it to the experience of everybody here, whether the

House of Commons is not occasionally a little hard of hearing, a

little dim of sight, a little slow of understanding, and whether,

in short, it is not in a sufficiency invalided state to require

close watching, and the occasional application of sharp stimulants;

and whether it is not capable of considerable improvement? I

believe that, in order to preserve it in a state of real usefulness

and independence, the people must be very watchful and very jealous

of it; and it must have its memory jogged; and be kept awake when

it happens to have taken too much Ministerial narcotic; it must be

trotted about, and must be bustled and pinched in a friendly way,

as is the usage in such cases. I hold that no power can deprive us

of the right to administer our functions as a body comprising

electors from all parts of the country, associated together because

their country is dearer to them than drowsy twaddle, unmeaning

routine, or worn-out conventionalities.

This brings me to objection number two. It is stated that this

Association sets class against class. Is this so? (CRIES OF

“No.”) No, it finds class set against class, and seeks to

reconcile them. I wish to avoid placing in opposition those two

words – Aristocracy and People. I am one who can believe in the

virtues and uses of both, and would not on any account deprive

either of a single just right belonging to it. I will use, instead

of these words, the terms, the governors and the governed. These

two bodies the Association finds with a gulf between them, in which

are lying, newly-buried, thousands on thousands of the bravest and

most devoted men that even England ever bred. It is to prevent the

recurrence of innumerable smaller evils, of which, unchecked, that

great calamity was the crowning height and the necessary

consummation, and to bring together those two fronts looking now so

strangely at each other, that this Association seeks to help to

bridge over that abyss, with a structure founded on common justice

and supported by common sense. Setting class against class! That

is the very parrot prattle that we have so long heard. Try its

justice by the following example:- A respectable gentleman had a

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Dickens, Charles – Speeches, Literary & Social

large establishment, and a great number of servants, who were good

for nothing, who, when he asked them to give his children bread,

gave them stones; who, when they were told to give those children

fish, gave them serpents. When they were ordered to send to the

East, they sent to the West; when they ought to have been serving

dinner in the North, they were consulting exploded cookery books in

the South; who wasted, destroyed, tumbled over one another when

required to do anything, and were bringing everything to ruin. At

last the respectable gentleman calls his house steward, and says,

even then more in sorrow than in anger, “This is a terrible

business; no fortune can stand it – no mortal equanimity can bear

it! I must change my system; I must obtain servants who will do

their duty.” The house steward throws up his eyes in pious horror,

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Categories: Charles Dickens