Speeches: Literary and Social by Charles Dickens

him that the kind manner in which he offered to me your very

valuable present, I can never forget.


[At a Dinner of the Artists’ General Benevolent Institution, the

following Address was delivered by Mr. Charles Dickens from the


SEVEN or eight years ago, without the smallest expectation of ever

being called upon to fill the chair at an anniversary festival of

the Artists’ General Benevolent Institution, and without the

remotest reference to such an occasion, I selected the

administration of that Charity as the model on which I desired that

another should be reformed, both as regarded the mode in which the

relief was afforded, and the singular economy with which its funds

were administered. As a proof of the latter quality during the

past year, the cost of distributing 1,126 pounds among the

recipients of the bounty of the Charity amounted to little more

than 100 pounds, inclusive of all office charges and expenses. The

experience and knowledge of those entrusted with the management of

the funds are a guarantee that the last available farthing of the

funds will be distributed among proper and deserving recipients.

Claiming, on my part, to be related in some degree to the

profession of an artist, I disdain to stoop to ask for charity, in

the ordinary acceptation of the term, on behalf of the Artists. In

its broader and higher signification of generous confidence,

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Dickens, Charles – Speeches, Literary & Social

lasting trustfulness, love and confiding belief, I very readily

associate that cardinal virtue with art. I decline to present the

artist to the notice of the public as a grown-up child, or as a

strange, unaccountable, moon-stricken person, waiting helplessly in

the street of life to be helped over the road by the crossingsweeper;

on the contrary, I present the artist as a reasonable

creature, a sensible gentleman, and as one well acquainted with the

value of his time, and that of other people, as if he were in the

habit of going on high ‘Change every day. The Artist whom I wish

to present to the notice of the Meeting is one to whom the perfect

enjoyment of the five senses is essential to every achievement of

his life. He can gain no wealth nor fame by buying something which

he never touched, and selling it to another who would also never

touch or see it, but was compelled to strike out for himself every

spark of fire which lighted, burned, and perhaps consumed him. He

must win the battle of life with his own hand, and with his own

eyes, and was obliged to act as general, captain, ensign, noncommissioned

officer, private, drummer, great arms, small arms,

infantry, cavalry, all in his own unaided self. When, therefore, I

ask help for the artist, I do not make my appeal for one who was a

cripple from his birth, but I ask it as part payment of a great

debt which all sensible and civilised creatures owe to art, as a

mark of respect to art, as a decoration – not as a badge – as a

remembrance of what this land, or any land, would be without art,

and as the token of an appreciation of the works of the most

successful artists of this country. With respect to the society of

which I am the advocate, I am gratified that it is so liberally

supported by the most distinguished artists, and that it has the

confidence of men who occupy the highest rank as artists, above the

reach of reverses, and the most distinguished in success and fame,

and whose support is above all price. Artists who have obtained

wide-world reputation know well that many deserving and persevering

men, or their widows and orphans, have received help from this

fund, and some of the artists who have received this help are now

enrolled among the subscribers to the Institution.


[The following speech was made by Mr. Dickens, in his capacity as

chairman, at the annual Festival of the Newsvendors’ and Provident

Institution, held at the Freemasons’ Tavern on the above date.]

WHEN I had the honour of being asked to preside last year, I was

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Categories: Charles Dickens