Speeches: Literary and Social by Charles Dickens

of publishing from this chair the banns between this institution

and the public. Nevertheless, I feel bound individually to do my

duty the same as if it had never been done before, and to ask

whether there is any just cause or impediment why these two parties

– the institution and the public – should not be joined together in

holy charity. As I understand the society, its objects are fivefold

– first, to guarantee annuities which, it is always to be

observed, is paid out of the interest of invested capital, so that

those annuities may be secure and safe – annual pensions, varying

from 10 to 25 pounds, to distressed railway officers and servants

incapacitated by age, sickness, or accident; secondly, to guarantee

small pensions to distressed widows; thirdly, to educate and

maintain orphan children; fourthly, to provide temporary relief for

all those classes till lasting relief can be guaranteed out of

funds sufficiently large for the purpose; lastly, to induce railway

officers and servants to assure their lives in some wellestablished

office by sub-dividing the payment of the premiums into

small periodical sums, and also by granting a reversionary bonus of

10 pounds per cent. on the amount assured from the funds of the


This is the society we are met to assist – simple, sympathetic,

practical, easy, sensible, unpretending. The number of its members

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Dickens, Charles – Speeches, Literary & Social

is large, and rapidly on the increase: they number 12,000; the

amount of invested capital is very nearly 15,000 pounds; it has

done a world of good and a world of work in these first nine years

of its life; and yet I am proud to say that the annual cost of the

maintenance of the institution is no more than 250 pounds. And now

if you do not know all about it in a small compass, either I do not

know all about it myself, or the fault must be in my “packing.”

One naturally passes from what the institution is and has done, to

what it wants. Well, it wants to do more good, and it cannot

possibly do more good until it has more money. It cannot safely,

and therefore it cannot honourably, grant more pensions to

deserving applicants until it grows richer, and it cannot grow rich

enough for its laudable purpose by its own unaided self. The thing

is absolutely impossible. The means of these railway officers and

servants are far too limited. Even if they were helped to the

utmost by the great railway companies, their means would still be

too limited; even if they were helped – and I hope they shortly

will be – by some of the great corporations of this country, whom

railways have done so much to enrich. These railway officers and

servants, on their road to a very humble and modest superannuation,

can no more do without the help of the great public, than the great

public, on their road from Torquay to Aberdeen, can do without

them. Therefore, I desire to ask the public whether the servants

of the great railways – who, in fact, are their servants, their

ready, zealous, faithful, hard-working servants – whether they have

not established, whether they do not every day establish, a

reasonable claim to liberal remembrance.

Now, gentlemen, on this point of the case there is a story once

told me by a friend of mine, which seems to my mind to have a

certain application. My friend was an American sea-captain, and,

therefore, it is quite unnecessary to say his story was quite true.

He was captain and part owner of a large American merchant liner.

On a certain voyage out, in exquisite summer weather, he had for

cabin passengers one beautiful young lady, and ten more or less

beautiful young gentlemen. Light winds or dead calms prevailing,

the voyage was slow. They had made half their distance when the

ten young gentlemen were all madly in love with the beautiful young

lady. They had all proposed to her, and bloodshed among the rivals

seemed imminent pending the young lady’s decision. On this

extremity the beautiful young lady confided in my friend the

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Categories: Charles Dickens