Speeches: Literary and Social by Charles Dickens

I could not but be struck by the odd reversal of the usual

circumstances at the Mansion House, which he presented to our view,

for whereas it is a very common thing for persons to be brought

tremblingly before the Lord Mayor, the Lord Mayor presented himself

as being brought tremblingly before us. I hope that the result may

hold still further, for whereas it is a common thing for the Lord

Mayor to say to a repentant criminal who does not seem to have much

harm in him, “let me never see you here again,” so I would propose

that we all with one accord say to the Lord Mayor, “Let us by all

means see you here again on the first opportunity.” Gentlemen, I

beg to propose to you to drink, with all the honours, “The health

of the right hon. the Lord Mayor.”


[The Members of the Metropolitan Rowing Clubs dining together at

the London Tavern, on the above date, Mr. Dickens, as President of

the Nautilus Rowing Club, occupied the chair. The Speech that

follows was made in proposing “Prosperity to the Rowing Clubs of

London.” Mr. Dickens said that:-]

HE could not avoid the remembrance of what very poor things the

amateur rowing clubs on the Thames were in the early days of his

noviciate; not to mention the difference in the build of the boats.

He could not get on in the beginning without being a pupil under an

anomalous creature called a “fireman waterman,” who wore an

eminently tall hat, and a perfectly unaccountable uniform, of which

it might be said that if it was less adapted for one thing than

another, that thing was fire. He recollected that this gentleman

had on some former day won a King’s prize wherry, and they used to

go about in this accursed wherry, he and a partner, doing all the

hard work, while the fireman drank all the beer. The river was

very much clearer, freer, and cleaner in those days than these; but

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Dickens, Charles – Speeches, Literary & Social

he was persuaded that this philosophical old boatman could no more

have dreamt of seeing the spectacle which had taken place on

Saturday (the procession of the boats of the Metropolitan Amateur

Rowing Clubs), or of seeing these clubs matched for skill and

speed, than he (the Chairman) should dare to announce through the

usual authentic channels that he was to be heard of at the bar

below, and that he was perfectly prepared to accommodate Mr. James

Mace if he meant business. Nevertheless, he could recollect that

he had turned out for a spurt a few years ago on the River Thames

with an occasional Secretary, who should be nameless, and some

other Eton boys, and that he could hold his own against them. More

recently still, the last time that he rowed down from Oxford he was

supposed to cover himself with honour, though he must admit that he

found the “locks” so picturesque as to require much examination for

the discovery of their beauty. But what he wanted to say was this,

that though his “fireman waterman” was one of the greatest humbugs

that ever existed, he yet taught him what an honest, healthy, manly

sport this was. Their waterman would bid them pull away, and

assure them that they were certain of winning in some race. And

here he would remark that aquatic sports never entailed a moment’s

cruelty, or a moment’s pain, upon any living creature. Rowing men

pursued recreation under circumstances which braced their muscles,

and cleared the cobwebs from their minds. He assured them that he

regarded such clubs as these as a “national blessing.” They owed,

it was true, a vast deal to steam power – as was sometimes proved

at matches on the Thames – but, at the same time, they were greatly

indebted to all that tended to keep up a healthy, manly tone. He

understood that there had been a committee selected for the purpose

of arranging a great amateur regatta, which was to take place off

Putney in the course of the season that was just begun. He could

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Categories: Charles Dickens