Speeches: Literary and Social by Charles Dickens

ever all its friends, and brought over to itself all those who look

upon it as an objectionable institution, – then, and not till then,

I hope the young men of Glasgow will rest from their labours, and

think their study done.

If the young men of Glasgow want any stimulus or encouragement in

this wise, they have one beside them in the presence of their fair

townswomen, which is irresistible. It is a most delightful

circumstance to me, and one fraught with inestimable benefits to

institutions of this kind, that at a meeting of this nature those

who in all things are our best examples, encouragers, and friends,

are not excluded. The abstract idea of the Graces was in ancient

times associated with those arts which refine the human

understanding; and it is pleasant to see now, in the rolling of the

world, the Graces popularising the practice of those arts by their

example, and adorning it with their presence.

I am happy to know that in the Glasgow Athenaeum there is a

peculiar bond of union between the institution and the fairest part

of creation. I understand that the necessary addition to the small

library of books being difficult and expensive to make, the ladies

have generally resolved to hold a fancy bazaar, and to devote the

proceeds to this admirable purpose; and I learn with no less

pleasure that her Majesty the Queen, in a graceful and womanly

sense of the excellence of this design, has consented that the

bazaar shall be held under her royal patronage. I can only say,

that if you do not find something very noble in your books after

this, you are much duller students than I take you to be. The

ladies – the single ladies, at least – however disinterested I know

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Dickens, Charles – Speeches, Literary & Social

they are by sex and nature, will, I hope, resolve to have some of

the advantages of these books, by never marrying any but members of

the Athenaeum. It seems to me it ought to be the pleasantest

library in the world.

Hazlitt says, in speaking of some of the graceful fancies of some

familiar writer of fiction, “How long since I first became

acquainted with these characters; what old-fashioned friends they

seem; and yet I am not tired of them like so many other friends,

nor they of me.” In this case the books will not only possess all

the attractions of their own friendships and charms, but also the

manifold – I may say womanfold – associations connected with their

donors. I can imagine how, in fact, from these fanciful

associations, some fair Glasgow widow may be taken for the remoter

one whom Sir Roger de Coverley could not forget; I can imagine how

Sophia’s muff may be seen and loved, but not by Tom Jones, going

down the High Street on any winter day; or I can imagine the

student finding in every fair form the exact counterpart of the

Glasgow Athenaeum, and taking into consideration the history of

Europe without the consent of Sheriff Alison. I can imagine, in

short, how through all the facts and fictions of this library,

these ladies will be always active, and that

“Age will not wither them, nor custom stale

Their infinite variety.”

It seems to me to be a moral, delightful, and happy chance, that

this meeting has been held at this genial season of the year, when

a new time is, as it were, opening before us, and when we celebrate

the birth of that divine and blessed Teacher, who took the highest

knowledge into the humblest places, and whose great system

comprehended all mankind. I hail it as a most auspicious omen, at

this time of the year, when many scattered friends and families are

re-assembled, for the members of this institution to be calling men

together from all quarters, with a brotherly view to the general

good, and a view to the general improvement; as I consider that

such designs are practically worthy of the faith we hold, and a

practical remembrance of the words, “On earth peace, and good will

toward men.” I hope that every year which dawns on your

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Categories: Charles Dickens