Speeches: Literary and Social by Charles Dickens

affinities and repulsions presented to them from the instant of

their creation to the day of judgment? When did this so-called

material age begin? With the use of clothing; with the discovery

of the compass; with the invention of the art of printing? Surely,

it has been a long time about; and which is the more material

object, the farthing tallow candle that will not give me light, or

that flame of gas which will?

No, ladies and gentlemen, do not let us be discouraged or deceived

by any fine, vapid, empty words. The true material age is the

stupid Chinese age, in which no new or grand revelations of nature

are granted, because they are ignorantly and insolently repelled,

instead of being diligently and humbly sought. The difference

between the ancient fiction of the mad braggart defying the

lightning and the modern historical picture of Franklin drawing it

towards his kite, in order that he might the more profoundly study

that which was set before him to be studied (or it would not have

been there), happily expresses to my mind the distinction between

the much-maligned material sages – material in one sense, I

suppose, but in another very immaterial sages – of the Celestial

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Dickens, Charles – Speeches, Literary & Social

Empire school. Consider whether it is likely or unlikely, natural

or unnatural, reasonable or unreasonable, that I, a being capable

of thought, and finding myself surrounded by such discovered

wonders on every hand, should sometimes ask myself the question –

should put to myself the solemn consideration – can these things be

among those things which might have been disclosed by divine lips

nigh upon two thousand years ago, but that the people of that time

could not bear them? And whether this be so or no, if I am so

surrounded on every hand, is not my moral responsibility

tremendously increased thereby, and with it my intelligence and

submission as a child of Adam and of the dust, before that Shining

Source which equally of all that is granted and all that is

withheld holds in His mighty hands the unapproachable mysteries of

life and death.

To the students of your industrial classes generally I have had it

in my mind, first, to commend the short motto, in two words,

“Courage – Persevere.” This is the motto of a friend and worker.

Not because the eyes of Europe are upon them, for I don’t in the

least believe it; nor because the eyes of even England are upon

them, for I don’t in the least believe it; not because their doings

will be proclaimed with blast of trumpet at street corners, for no

such musical performances will take place; not because selfimprovement

is at all certain to lead to worldly success, but

simply because it is good and right of itself, and because, being

so, it does assuredly bring with it its own resources and its own

rewards. I would further commend to them a very wise and witty

piece of advice on the conduct of the understanding which was given

more than half a century ago by the Rev. Sydney Smith – wisest and

wittiest of the friends I have lost. He says – and he is speaking,

you will please understand, as I speak, to a school of volunteer

students – he says: “There is a piece of foppery which is to be

cautiously guarded against, the foppery of universality, of knowing

all sciences and excelling in all arts – chymistry, mathematics,

algebra, dancing, history, reasoning, riding, fencing, Low Dutch,

High Dutch, and natural philosophy. In short, the modern precept

of education very often is, ‘Take the Admirable Crichton for your

model, I would have you ignorant of nothing.’ Now,” says he, “my

advice, on the contrary, is to have the courage to be ignorant of a

great number of things, in order that you may avoid the calamity of

being ignorant of everything.”

To this I would superadd a little truth, which holds equally good

of my own life and the life of every eminent man I have ever known.

The one serviceable, safe, certain, remunerative, attainable

quality in every study and in every pursuit is the quality of

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Categories: Charles Dickens