Thieves World 3 – Shadows of Sanctuary by Asprin, Robert

appearance of Death’s own oarsmen.

‘We’re here,’ the leader of the trio announced, shifting his battle-axe to his

shoulder, ‘though no civilized man fights at this hour. Where’s the old man who

hired us?’

‘I don’t know,’ Hort admitted, backing down from this fierce assemblage. ‘He

told me to meet him here same as you.’

‘Good,’ the axe-man snarled. ‘We’ve appeared, as promised. The coppers are ours

– small price for a practical joke. Tell that old man when you see him that

we’ve gone back to bed.’

‘Not so fast.’ Hort surprised himself with his sudden outspoken courage as the

men turned away. ‘I’ve known the Old Man all my life and he’s no joker. If he

paid you to be here, you’ll be needed. Or don’t you want the silver that goes

with those coppers?’

The men hesitated, mumbling together darkly.

‘Hort!’ Terci was hurrying towards them. ‘Whafs going on? Why are there cut

throats on the dock?’

‘The Old Man hired them,’ Hort explained. ‘Have you seen him?’

‘Not since last night,’ the lanky fisherman replied. ‘He came by late and gave

me this to pass to you.’ He dropped three silver coins into the youth’s palm.

‘He said if he wasn’t here by mid-day that you were to use this to pay the men.’

‘You see!’ Hort called to the mercenaries as he held up the coins. ‘You’ll be

paid at mid-day and not before. You’ll just have to wait with the rest of us.’

Turning back to Terci he lowered his voice to a conspiratorial whisper. ‘What

else did the Old Man say – anything?’

‘Only that I should load my heaviest net this morning,’ Terd shrugged. ‘What’s

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Categories: Asprin, Robert