Thieves World 3 – Shadows of Sanctuary by Asprin, Robert

possibility. In that event, it might occur to him that the world were better off

without Hanse’s continued presence in it. Nor would the world take heed of the

timely demise of a cocky young thief.

Hanse swallowed, blinked. Sitting stiffly on a divan in the luxurious apartment,

he put it all through his mind again and chased its tail. He came to his own


I have been a fool. I did all this for my pride, to be such a clever fellow. I

am a clever thief, but a stupid fellow! Being here thus when he comes in could

gain me another signature on another document from him – this time my death

order! Oh damn plague and pox, what have I done!?

Nothing, he thought as he rose with a great sigh, that could not be undone… he

hoped. All he had to do was betake himself from here so that neither Kadakithis

nor anyone else would ever know he had broken in. He glanced around and

swallowed hard. It certainly was hard and against the grain not to steal


And so Shadowspawn went to the window, and wearily began the process of breaking

out of the Governor’s Palace and its grounds.


‘It develops that I need help,’ Prince-Governor Kadakithis said, ‘and I cannot

see a way to threaten it out of anyone.’

‘Including me?’

‘Including you, Hanse. Furthermore, if you won’t help, I can’t see how I can

punish you either.’

‘I’m glad to hear it. But I didn’t know there were things a governor couldn’t

do, much less a prince.’

‘Well, Shadowspawn, now you know. Even Kitty-Kat isn’t all powerful.’

‘You need help and the Hell Hounds can’t provide it?’

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Categories: Asprin, Robert