Thieves World 3 – Shadows of Sanctuary by Asprin, Robert

‘As long as they outflew arrows,’ Aristarchus said dryly. ‘Hurry, you, the big

one, up behind me, and you,’ he said to Chan, ‘behind Wess.’

They did as he ordered. Quartz kicked the horse and he sprang forward, but

Aristarchus reined him in.

‘Slowly, children,’ the troll said. ‘Slowly through the dark, and no one will


To Wess’s surprise, he was quite correct.

In the city they kept the horses at the walk, and Quartz concealed Aristarchus

beneath her cloak. The uproar fell behind them, and no one chased them. Wess

clutched the stallion’s mane, still feeling very insecure so high above the


A direct escape from Sanctuary did not lead them past the Unicorn, .or indeed

into the Maze at all, but they decided to chance going back; the risk of

travelling unequipped through the mountains this late in the fall was too great.

They approached the Unicorn through back alleys, and saw almost no one.

Apparently the denizens of the Maze were as fond of entertainments as anyone

else in Sanctuary. No doubt the opportunity to watch their prince extricate

himself from a collapsed tent was almost the best entertainment of the evening.

Wess would not have minded watching that herself.

Leaving the horses hidden in shadow with Aristarchus, they

crept quietly up the stairs to their room, stuffed belongings in their packs,

and started out again.

‘Young gentleman and his ladies, good evening.’

Wess spun around, Quartz right beside her gripping her sword. The tavern-keeper

flinched back from them, but quickly recovered himself.

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Categories: Asprin, Robert