Thieves World 3 – Shadows of Sanctuary by Asprin, Robert

leader was talking over his shoulder to his front-line mercenaries, three of

whom were clustered around the downed eunuch. Then one archer came abreast of

the leader, touched his leopard pelt. And that bowman kept a nocked arrow on

Jubal, while the leader sheathed his sword and walked away, to join the little

knot around the eunuch.

Someone had broken off the haft; Jubal heard the grunt and the snap of wood and

saw the shaft discarded. Then arrows whizzed in quick succession into both his

knees and beyond the shattering pain he knew nothing more.


Tempus knelt over Abarsis, bleeding out his life naked in the dirt. ‘Get me

light,’ he rasped. Tossing his helmet aside, he bent down until his cheek

touched Stepson’s knotted, hairless belly. The whole bronze head of the spear,

barbs and all, was deep in him. Under his lowest rib, the shattered haft stuck

out, quivering as he breathed. The torch was brought; the better light told

Tempus there was no use in cutting the spearhead loose; one flange was up under

the low rib; vital fluids oozed out with the youth’s blood. Out of age-old

custom, Tempus laid his mouth upon the wound and sucked the blood and swallowed

it, then raised his head and shook it to those who waited with a hot blade and

hopeful, silent faces. ‘Get him some water, no wine. And give him some air.’

They moved back and as the Sacred Bander who had been holding Abarsis’s head put

it down, the wounded one murmured; he coughed, and his frame shuddered, one

hand clutching spasmodically at the spear. ‘Rest now. Stepson. You have got

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Categories: Asprin, Robert