Thieves World 3 – Shadows of Sanctuary by Asprin, Robert

Lalo passed without stopping the abandoned wharf near Fisherman’s Row which had

become his favourite place for meditation over the years. He had no need of it

now – he had too much to do! Where could he find models? Perhaps he should visit

the Bazaar this afternoon. Surely he could find some honest maidens there…

He hurried up the Street of Smells towards his home, but stopped short when he

saw his wife hanging out laundry in the building’s courtyard, talking over her

shoulder to someone hidden behind her. He approached cautiously.

‘Did the interview go well, dear?’ asked Gilla brightly. ‘I’ve heard that the

Lady Rosanda is most gracious. You’re quite favoured by the ladies today – see,

here’s Mistress Zorra come to call on you…’

Lalo winced at the edge in her voice, then forgot her as she moved and the

caller came towards him. He received in quick succession an impression of a trim

figure, a complexion that glowed like the roses of Eshi, copper-bright hair and

a pair of dazzling eyes.

He swallowed. The last time he had seen Mistress Zorra was when she had

accompanied her father to collect their rent, which was three months overdue. He

tried to remember whether they had paid last month’s rent on time.

‘Oh, Master Lalo – you’ve no need to look so apprehensive!’ Zorra blushed

prettily. ‘You should know that your credit is good with us after so many years


After so much gossip about my new prosperity, you mean! he thought, but her

smile was infectious, and after all she was not responsible for the stinginess

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Categories: Asprin, Robert