Thieves World 3 – Shadows of Sanctuary by Asprin, Robert

one to baulk at such a … mission.’

The prince continued to stare. One pale eyebrow rose slightly under that

disgustingly handsome shock of yellow hair. And then Hanse was staring.

Tempus! It’s about Tempus, isn’t afl I haven’t sees him for weeks.’

‘Kadakithis turned his gaze on an ornate Yenizedish tapestry. ‘Hanse: neither

have I.’

‘He is not on a mission for your Highness?’

‘Just use the pronoun for me, Hanse, and we can save whole days of our lives.

No. He is not. He is missing. Who might wish him to be missing?’

Hanse was wary of being used as informant, but saw no reason not to answer that

one. ‘Oh, half the people in town. Maybe more. About the same number that would

wish the governor to be missing. Your pardon of course. Governor. Or the

Emperor. Or Ranke.’

‘Hmm. Well, Empire is built on conquest, not love, however often they are the

same. But I have striven to be decent here. Fair.’

Hanse considered. ‘It is possible that you have been fairer than we might have


‘Nicely put. Carefully chosen words. You may well become a diplomat yet,

Shadowspawn. And the Hell Hounds’! What of them?’

Hanse smiled briefly at the slim noble’s calling his elite guards by the

people’s name for them; indeed, even the Hell Hounds called themselves Hell

Hounds these days. It was a dramatic name with a romantic and rather sinister

sound that appealed to their sort.

‘Shall I answer that, to one from Ranke, with all the power there is? What power

have I?’ .

‘You have influence with the Prince-Governor, Hanse, and with his Chief of

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Categories: Asprin, Robert