Thieves World 3 – Shadows of Sanctuary by Asprin, Robert

about Tempus? The Hell Hound bore Vashanka’s mark, but had been whelped far

beyond the ken of the priesthood.

‘Who are we to channel the powers of the gods?’ the Prince responded, his gaze

unfocused, his manner uncomfortably evasive.

Molin drew himself up to his full height, some finger-widths taller than the

Prince. His back straightened as if the beaten gold headdress of his office

balanced on his brow. ‘My Prince, we are the channels, the only true channels.

Without the mediation of a duly consecrated hierarchy the bonds of tradition

which make Vashanka – mayHisnamebepraised – our God and us His worshippers would

be irreparably sundered. The rituals of the temple, whose origins are one with

the God Himself, are the balance between mortal and immortal. Anyone who

circumvents the rituals, for any reason however well-intentioned … anyone who

does not hearken to the call of the hierarchy in its needs subverts the proper

relationship of god and worshipper to the damning harm of both!’

Again the experienced Imperial Hierarch stared down on the young, awestruck

Prince. Molin was only half-conscious of overstating the case for stringent

observation of the rituals. Vashanka’s displeasure when He was not properly

appeased was extensively documented. The rituals were all intended to bind a

capricious and hungry deity.

The crowd outside Molin’s window raised its voice and shut down their

conversation; the day’s verdicts were being proclaimed. There would be two more

hangings on the morrow. Kadakithis started when his name was used to justify the

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Categories: Asprin, Robert