Thieves World 3 – Shadows of Sanctuary by Asprin, Robert

to you with tales of feuding among your ranks like a child to his father? His

honour precludes it. As for the … funds … you hold, when we Sent him here,

it was with the understanding that should he feel you would make a king, he

would so inform us. This, I was told you knew.’

‘In principle. But I cannot take a gift so large.’

‘Take a loan, as others before you have had to do. There is no time now for

courtship. To be capable of becoming a king ensures no seat of kingship,

these days. A king must be more than a man, he must be a hero. It takes

many men to make a hero, and special times. Opportunities approach, with the

up-country insurrection and a new empire rising beyond the northern range. Were

you to distinguish yourself in combat, or field an army that did, we who

seek a change could rally around you publicly. You cannot do it with what you

have, the Emperor has seen to that.’

‘At what rate am I expected to pay back this loan?’

‘Equal value, nothing more. If the prince, my lord, will have patience, I will

explain all to Your Majesty’s satisfaction. That, truly, is why I am come.’

‘Explain away, then.’

‘First, one small digression, which touches a deeper truth. You must have some

idea who and what the man you call Tempus is. I am sure you have heard it from

your wizards and from his enemies among the officials of the Mageguild. Let me

add to that this: Where he goes, the god scatters His blessings. By the

cosmological rules of state cult and kingship. He has invested this endeavour

with divine sanction by his presence. Though he and the god have their

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Categories: Asprin, Robert