Castaneda, Carlos – The Second Ring of Power

ten or twelve feet away from her. She put her hands under

her skirt, while she was still squatting. Suddenly, she stood

up. Her hands were loosely clasped into fists; she raised them

over her head and snapped her fingers open. I heard a quick,

bursting sound and I saw sparks flying from her fingers. She

again clasped her hands and then snapped them open and an-

other volley of much larger sparks flew out of them. She

squatted once more and reached under her skirt. She seemed

to be pulling something from her pubis. She repeated the snap-

ping movement of her fingers as she threw her hands over

her head, and I saw a spray of long, luminous fibers flying

away from her fingers. I had to tilt my head up to see them

against the already dark sky. They appeared to be long, fine

filaments of a reddish light. After a while they faded and dis-


She squatted once again, and when she let her fingers open

a most astonishing display of lights emanated from them. The

sky was filled with thick rays of light. It was a spellbinding

sight. I became engrossed in it; my eyes were fixed. I was not

paying attention to la Gorda. I was looking at the lights. I

heard a sudden outcry that forced me to look at her, just in

time to see her grab one of the lines she was creating and spin

to the very top of the canyon. She hovered there for an in-

stant like a dark, huge shadow against the sky, and then de-

scended to the bottom of the gully in spurts or small leaps

or as if she were coming down a stairway on her belly.

I suddenly saw her standing over me. I had not realized that

I had fallen on my seat. I stood up. She was soaked in per-

spiration and was panting, trying to catch her breath. She

could not speak for a long time. She began to jog in place. I

did not dare to touch her. Finally she seemed to have calmed

down enough to crawl back into the cave. She rested for a

few minutes.

Her actions had been so fast that I had hardly had any time

to evaluate what had happened. At the moment of her display

I had felt an unbearable, ticklish pain in the area just below

my navel. I had not physically exerted myself and yet I was

also panting.

I think it’s time to go to our appointment, she said, out of

breath. My flying opened us both. You felt my flying in

your belly; that means you are open and ready to meet the

four forces.

What four forces are you talking about?

The Nagual’s and Genaro’s allies. You’ve seen them. They

are horrendous. Now they are free from the Nagual’s and

Genaro’s gourds. You heard one of them around Soledad’s

house the other night. They are waiting for you. The mo-

ment the darkness of the day sets in, they’ll be uncontainable.

One of them even came after you in the daytime at Soledad’s

place. Those allies now belong to you and me. We will take

two each. I don’t know which ones. And I don’t know how,

either. All the Nagual told me was that you and I would have

to tackle them by ourselves.

Wait, wait! I shouted.

She did not let me speak. She gently put her hand over my

mouth. I felt a pang of terror in the pit of my stomach. I had

been confronted in the past with some inexplicable phe-

nomena which don Juan and don Genaro had called their

allies. There were four of them and they were entities, as real

as anything in the world. Their presence was so outlandish

that it would create an unparalleled state of fear in me every

time I perceived them. The first one I had encountered was

don Juan’s; it was a dark, rectangular mass, eight or nine feet

high and four or five feet across. It moved with the crushing

weight of a giant boulder and breathed so heavily that it re-

minded me of the sound of bellows. I had always encountered

it at night, in the darkness. I had fancied it to be like a door

that walked by pivoting on one corner and then on the other.

The second ally I came across was don Genaro’s. It was a

long-faced, bald-headed, extraordinarily tall, glowing man,

with thick lips and enormous, droopy eyes. He always wore

pants that were too short for his long, skinny legs.

I had seen those two allies a great many times while in the

company of don Juan and don Genaro. The sight of them

would invariably cause an irreconcilable separation between

my reason and my perception. On the one hand, I had no

rational ground whatsoever to believe that what was happen-

ing to me was actually taking place, and on the other hand,

there was no possible way of discarding the truthfulness of

my perception.

Since they had always appeared while don Juan and don

Genaro were around, I had filed them away as products of the

powerful influence that those two men had had on my sug-

gestible personality. In my understanding it was either that, or

that don Juan and don Genaro had in their possession forces

they called their allies, forces which were capable of manifest-

ing themselves to me as those horrendous entities.

A feature of the allies was that they never allowed me to

scrutinize them thoroughly. I had tried various times to focus

my undivided attention on them, but every time I would get

dizzy and disassociated.

The other two allies were more elusive. I had seen them

only once, a gigantic black jaguar with yellow glowing eyes,

and a ravenous, enormous coyote. The two beasts were ulti-

mately aggressive and overpowering. The jaguar was don Ge-

naro’s and the coyote was don Juan’s.

La Gorda crawled out of the cave. I followed her. She led

the way. We walked out of the gully and reached a long,

rocky plain. She stopped and let me step ahead. I told her

that if she was going to let me lead us I was going to try to

get to the car. She shook her head affirmatively and clung to

me. I could feel her clammy skin. She seemed to be in a state

of great agitation. It was perhaps a mile to where we had left

the car, and to reach it we had to cross the deserted, rocky

plain. Don Juan had shown me a hidden trail among some big

boulders, almost on the side of the mountain that flanked the

plain toward the east. I headed for that trail. Some unknown

urge was guiding me; otherwise I would have taken the same

trail we had taken before when we had crossed the plain on

the level ground.

La Gorda seemed to be anticipating something awesome.

She grabbed onto me. Her eyes were wild.

Are we going the right way? I asked.

She did not answer. She pulled her shawl and twisted it

until it looked like a long, thick rope. She encircled my waist

with it, crossed over the ends and encircled herself. She tied

a knot and thus had us bound together in a band that looked

like a figure eight.

What did you do this for? I asked.

She shook her head. Her teeth chattered but she could not

say a word. Her fright seemed to be extreme. She pushed me

to keep on walking. I could not help wondering why I was

not scared out of my wits myself.

As we reached the high trail the physical exertion began to

take its toll on me. I was wheezing and had to breathe through

my mouth. I could see the shape of the big boulders. There

was no moon but the sky was so clear that there was enough

light to distinguish shapes. I could hear la Gorda also wheezing.

I tried to stop to catch my breath but she pushed me gently

as she shook her head negatively. I wanted to make a joke to

break the tension when I heard a strange thumping noise. My

head moved involuntarily to my right to allow my left ear to

scan the area. I stopped breathing for an instant and then I

clearly heard that someone else besides la Gorda and myself

was breathing heavily. I checked again to make sure before

I told her. There was no doubt that that massive shape was

there among the boulders. I put my hand on la Gorda’s mouth

as we kept on moving and signaled her to hold her breath. I

could tell that the massive shape was very close. It seemed

to be sliding as quietly as it could. It was wheezing softly.

La Gorda was startled. She squatted and pulled me down

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Categories: Castaneda, Carlos