Castaneda, Carlos – The Second Ring of Power

The Second Ring of Power BY CARLOS CASTANEDA

Carlos Castaneda’s extraordinary journey into

the world of sorcery has captivated millions of

Americans. In his eagerly awaited new book, he

takes the reader into a sorceric experience so

intense, so terrifying, and so profoundly disturb-

ing that it can only be described as a brilliant

assault on the reason, the dramatic and frighten-

ing attack on every preconceived notion of life

that is don Juan’s remarkable legacy to his ap-


At the center of the book is a new and formi-

dable figure, dona Soledad, a woman whose

powers are turned against Castaneda in a strug-

gle that almost consumes him. Dona Soledad has

been taught by don Juan, transformed by his

teachings from a bent and gray-haired old

woman into a sensual, lithe, deeply sexual figure

of awesome and mysterious power, a sorceress

whose mission is to test Castaneda by a series of

terrifying tricks. In dona Soledad, Carlos Cas-

taneda has recorded for the reader a personality

as instantly recognizable as don Juan himself and

has illuminated the strengths and the feelings of a

remarkable woman who, despite her sorceric

gifts, expresses some of the deepest and most

basic feminine concerns and ambitions. For dona

Soledad, drawn out of the shadows of a de-

feated and meaningless life by don Juan, has

herself become a warrior, a hunter and a stalker

of power. Castaneda’s combat with her, his

gradual realization that she not only derives her

power from don Juan but is fulfilling his plans, is

all a prelude to an astonishing discovery. For

Castaneda unfolds for the reader a sorcerer’s

family, in which dona Soledad, her girls,

Lidia, Elena ( la Gorda ), Josefina and Rosa,

themselves changed and transformed by don

Juan, are part of a small closed society in which

the teachings of don Juan have become a way of

life, touching and explaining every aspect of the

world, altering the relationships between them so

that they are no longer mother and children, man

and wife, sisters and brothers, friends and

enemies, but disciples, witnesses, accomplices in

don Juan’s grand design.

Extraordinary as all Castaneda’s books have

been. The Second Ring of Power goes far beyond

anything he has written before: it is a vision of a

more somber, frightening and compelling world

than that of Castaneda’s years of apprentice-

ship-the world of a full-fledged sorcerer, in

which dangers lie in wait on the journey to impec-

cability and freedom, and in which the message

of don Juan must be transformed into real life.




The Transformation of Dona Soledad


The Little Sisters


La Gorda


The Genaros


The Art of Dreaming


The Second Attention


A flat, barren mountaintop on the western slopes of the Sierra

Madre in central Mexico was the setting for my final meeting

with don Juan and don Genaro and their other two appren-

tices, Pablito and Nestor. The solemnity and the scope of

what took place there left no doubt in my mind that our ap-

prenticeships had come to their concluding moment, and that

I was indeed seeing don Juan and don Genaro for the last time.

Toward the end we all said good-bye to one another, and then

Pablito and I jumped together from the top of the mountain

into an abyss.

Prior to that jump don Juan had presented a fundamental

principle for all that was going to happen to me. According

to him, upon jumping into the abyss I was going to become

pure perception and move back and forth between the two

inherent realms of all creation, the tonal and the nagual.

In my jump my perception went through seventeen elastic

bounces between the tonal and the nagual. In my moves into

the nagual I perceived my body disintegrating. I could not

think or feel in the coherent, unifying sense that I ordi-

narily do, but I somehow thought and felt. In my moves

into the tonal I burst into unity. I was whole. My perception

had coherence. I had visions of order. Their compelling

force was so intense, their vividness so real and their complex-

ity so vast that I have not been capable of explaining them to

my satisfaction. To say that they were visions, vivid dreams

or even hallucinations does not say anything to clarify their


After having examined and analyzed in a most thorough and

careful manner my feelings, perceptions and interpretations

of that jump into the abyss, I had come to the point where I

could not rationally believe that it had actually happened. And

yet another part of me held on steadfast to the feeling that it

did happen, that I did jump.

Don Juan and don Genaro are no longer available and their

absence has created in me a most pressing need, the need to

make headway in the midst of apparently insoluble contra-


I went back to Mexico to see Pablito and Nestor to seek

their help in resolving my conflicts. But what I encountered

on my trip cannot be described in any other way except as a

final assault on my reason, a concentrated attack designed by

don Juan himself. His apprentices, under his absentee direc-

tion, in a most methodical and precise fashion demolished in

a few days the last bastion of my reason. In those few days

they revealed to me one of the two practical aspects of their

sorcery, the art of dreaming, which is the core of the present


The art of stalking, the other practical aspect of their sor-

cery and also the crowning stone of don Juan’s and don Ge-

naro’s teachings, was presented to me during subsequent visits

and was by far the most complex facet of their being in the

world as sorcerers.


The Transformation

of Dona Soledad

I had a sudden premonition that Pablito and Nestor were not

home. My certainty was so profound that I stopped my car.

I was at the place where the asphalt came to an abrupt end,

and I wanted to reconsider whether or not to continue that

day the long and difficult drive on the steep, coarse gravel

road to their hometown in the mountains of central Mexico.

I rolled down the window of my car. It was rather windy

and cold. I got out to stretch my legs. The tension of driving

for hours had stiffened my back and neck. I walked to the

edge of the paved road. The ground was wet from an early

shower. Rain was still falling heavily on the slopes of the

mountains to the south, a short distance from where I was.

But right in front of me, toward the east and also toward the

north, the sky was clear. At certain points on the winding road

I had been able to see the bluish peaks of the sierras shining in

the sunlight a great distance away.

After a moment’s deliberation I decided to turn back and go

to the city because I had had a most peculiar feeling that I was

going to find don Juan in the market. After all, I had always

done just that, found him in the marketplace, since the begin-

ning of my association with him. As a rule, if I did not find

him in Sonora I would drive to central Mexico and go to the

market of that particular city, and sooner or later don Juan

would show up. The longest I had ever waited for him was

two days. I was so habituated to meeting him in that manner

that I had the most absolute certainty that I would find him

again, as always.

I waited in the market all afternoon. I walked up and down

the aisles pretending to be looking for something to buy. Then

I waited around the park. At dusk I knew that he was not

coming. I had then the clear sensation that he had been there

but had left. I sat down on a park bench where I used to sit

with him and tried to analyze my feelings. Upon arriving in

the city I was elated with the sure knowledge that don Juan

was there in the streets. What I felt was more than the mem-

ory of having found him there countless times before; my

body knew that he was looking for me. But then, as I sat on

the bench I had another kind of strange certainty. I knew that

he was not there anymore. He had left and I had missed him.

After a while I discarded my speculations. I thought that I

was beginning to be affected by the place. I was starting to

get irrational; that had always happened to me in the past after

a few days in that area.

I went to my hotel room to rest for a few hours and then I

went out again to roam the streets. I did not have the same

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Categories: Castaneda, Carlos