Dickens, Charles – The Uncommercial Traveller

hard again, being convinced that I had cause for it; and at last we

found for the minor offence of only concealing the birth; and the

poor desolate creature, who had been taken out during our

deliberation, being brought in again to be told of the verdict,

then dropped upon her knees before us, with protestations that we

were right – protestations among the most affecting that I have

ever heard in my life – and was carried away insensible.

(In private conversation after this was all over, the Coroner

showed me his reasons as a trained surgeon, for perceiving it to be

impossible that the child could, under the most favourable

circumstances, have drawn many breaths, in the very doubtful case

of its having ever breathed at all; this, owing to the discovery of

some foreign matter in the windpipe, quite irreconcilable with many

moments of life.)

When the agonised girl had made those final protestations, I had

seen her face, and it was in unison with her distracted heartbroken

voice, and it was very moving. It certainly did not impress me by

any beauty that it had, and if I ever see it again in another world

I shall only know it by the help of some new sense or intelligence.

But it came to me in my sleep that night, and I selfishly dismissed

it in the most efficient way I could think of. I caused some extra

care to be taken of her in the prison, and counsel to be retained

for her defence when she was tried at the Old Bailey; and her

sentence was lenient, and her history and conduct proved that it

was right. In doing the little I did for her, I remember to have

had the kind help of some gentle-hearted functionary to whom I

addressed myself – but what functionary I have long forgotten – who

I suppose was officially present at the Inquest.

Page 123

Dickens, Charles – The Uncommercial Traveller

I regard this as a very notable uncommercial experience, because

this good came of a Beadle. And to the best of my knowledge,

information, and belief, it is the only good that ever did come of

a Beadle since the first Beadle put on his cocked-hat.


It came into my mind that I would recall in these notes a few of

the many hostelries I have rested at in the course of my journeys;

and, indeed, I had taken up my pen for the purpose, when I was

baffled by an accidental circumstance. It was the having to leave

off, to wish the owner of a certain bright face that looked in at

my door, ‘many happy returns of the day.’ Thereupon a new thought

came into my mind, driving its predecessor out, and I began to

recall – instead of Inns – the birthdays that I have put up at, on

my way to this present sheet of paper.

I can very well remember being taken out to visit some peach-faced

creature in a blue sash, and shoes to correspond, whose life I

supposed to consist entirely of birthdays. Upon seed-cake, sweet

wine, and shining presents, that glorified young person seemed to

me to be exclusively reared. At so early a stage of my travels did

I assist at the anniversary of her nativity (and become enamoured

of her), that I had not yet acquired the recondite knowledge that a

birthday is the common property of all who are born, but supposed

it to be a special gift bestowed by the favouring Heavens on that

one distinguished infant. There was no other company, and we sat

in a shady bower – under a table, as my better (or worse) knowledge

leads me to believe – and were regaled with saccharine substances

and liquids, until it was time to part. A bitter powder was

administered to me next morning, and I was wretched. On the whole,

a pretty accurate foreshadowing of my more mature experiences in

such wise!

Then came the time when, inseparable from one’s own birthday, was a

certain sense of merit, a consciousness of well-earned distinction.

When I regarded my birthday as a graceful achievement of my own, a

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Categories: Charles Dickens