Dickens, Charles – The Uncommercial Traveller

nature, that I take a particular interest in assuring myself that

they are unchanged.

I never was in Robinson Crusoe’s Island, yet I frequently return

there. The colony he established on it soon faded away, and it is

uninhabited by any descendants of the grave and courteous

Spaniards, or of Will Atkins and the other mutineers, and has

relapsed into its original condition. Not a twig of its wicker

houses remains, its goats have long run wild again, its screaming

parrots would darken the sun with a cloud of many flaming colours

if a gun were fired there, no face is ever reflected in the waters

of the little creek which Friday swam across when pursued by his

two brother cannibals with sharpened stomachs. After comparing

notes with other travellers who have similarly revisited the Island

and conscientiously inspected it, I have satisfied myself that it

contains no vestige of Mr. Atkins’s domesticity or theology, though

his track on the memorable evening of his landing to set his

captain ashore, when he was decoyed about and round about until it

was dark, and his boat was stove, and his strength and spirits

failed him, is yet plainly to be traced. So is the hill-top on

which Robinson was struck dumb with joy when the reinstated captain

pointed to the ship, riding within half a mile of the shore, that

was to bear him away, in the nine-and-twentieth year of his

seclusion in that lonely place. So is the sandy beach on which the

memorable footstep was impressed, and where the savages hauled up

their canoes when they came ashore for those dreadful public

dinners, which led to a dancing worse than speech-making. So is

the cave where the flaring eyes of the old goat made such a goblin

appearance in the dark. So is the site of the hut where Robinson

lived with the dog and the parrot and the cat, and where he endured

those first agonies of solitude, which – strange to say – never

involved any ghostly fancies; a circumstance so very remarkable,

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Dickens, Charles – The Uncommercial Traveller

that perhaps he left out something in writing his record? Round

hundreds of such objects, hidden in the dense tropical foliage, the

tropical sea breaks evermore; and over them the tropical sky,

saving in the short rainy season, shines bright and cloudless.

Neither, was I ever belated among wolves, on the borders of France

and Spain; nor, did I ever, when night was closing in and the

ground was covered with snow, draw up my little company among some

felled trees which served as a breastwork, and there fire a train

of gunpowder so dexterously that suddenly we had three or four

score blazing wolves illuminating the darkness around us.

Nevertheless, I occasionally go back to that dismal region and

perform the feat again; when indeed to smell the singeing and the

frying of the wolves afire, and to see them setting one another

alight as they rush and tumble, and to behold them rolling in the

snow vainly attempting to put themselves out, and to hear their

howlings taken up by all the echoes as well as by all the unseen

wolves within the woods, makes me tremble.

I was never in the robbers’ cave, where Gil Blas lived, but I often

go back there and find the trap-door just as heavy to raise as it

used to be, while that wicked old disabled Black lies everlastingly

cursing in bed. I was never in Don Quixote’s study, where he read

his books of chivalry until he rose and hacked at imaginary giants,

and then refreshed himself with great draughts of water, yet you

couldn’t move a book in it without my knowledge, or with my

consent. I was never (thank Heaven) in company with the little old

woman who hobbled out of the chest and told the merchant Abudah to

go in search of the Talisman of Oromanes, yet I make it my business

to know that she is well preserved and as intolerable as ever. I

was never at the school where the boy Horatio Nelson got out of bed

to steal the pears: not because he wanted any, but because every

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Categories: Charles Dickens