Dickens, Charles – The Uncommercial Traveller

hurts her dreadful; and that’s what it is, and niver no more, and

niver no less, sur.’

The sick young woman moaning here, the speaker bent over her, took

a bandage from her head, and threw open a back door to let in the

daylight upon it, from the smallest and most miserable backyard I

ever saw.

‘That’s what cooms from her, sur, being lead-pisoned; and it cooms

from her night and day, the poor, sick craythur; and the pain of it

is dreadful; and God he knows that my husband has walked the

sthreets these four days, being a labourer, and is walking them

now, and is ready to work, and no work for him, and no fire and no

food but the bit in the pot, and no more than ten shillings in a

fortnight; God be good to us! and it is poor we are, and dark it is

and could it is indeed.’

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Dickens, Charles – The Uncommercial Traveller

Knowing that I could compensate myself thereafter for my selfdenial,

if I saw fit, I had resolved that I would give nothing in

the course of these visits. I did this to try the people. I may

state at once that my closest observation could not detect any

indication whatever of an expectation that I would give money:

they were grateful to be talked to about their miserable affairs,

and sympathy was plainly a comfort to them; but they neither asked

for money in any case, nor showed the least trace of surprise or

disappointment or resentment at my giving none.

The woman’s married daughter had by this time come down from her

room on the floor above, to join in the conversation. She herself

had been to the lead-mills very early that morning to be ‘took on,’

but had not succeeded. She had four children; and her husband,

also a water-side labourer, and then out seeking work, seemed in no

better case as to finding it than her father. She was English, and

by nature, of a buxom figure and cheerful. Both in her poor dress

and in her mother’s there was an effort to keep up some appearance

of neatness. She knew all about the sufferings of the unfortunate

invalid, and all about the lead-poisoning, and how the symptoms

came on, and how they grew, – having often seen them. The very

smell when you stood inside the door of the works was enough to

knock you down, she said: yet she was going back again to get

‘took on.’ What could she do? Better be ulcerated and paralysed

for eighteen-pence a day, while it lasted, than see the children


A dark and squalid cupboard in this room, touching the back door

and all manner of offence, had been for some time the sleepingplace

of the sick young woman. But the nights being now wintry,

and the blankets and coverlets ‘gone to the leaving shop,’ she lay

all night where she lay all day, and was lying then. The woman of

the room, her husband, this most miserable patient, and two others,

lay on the one brown heap together for warmth.

‘God bless you, sir, and thank you!’ were the parting words from

these people, – gratefully spoken too, – with which I left this


Some streets away, I tapped at another parlour-door on another

ground-floor. Looking in, I found a man, his wife, and four

children, sitting at a washing-stool by way of table, at their

dinner of bread and infused tea-leaves. There was a very scanty

cinderous fire in the grate by which they sat; and there was a tent

bedstead in the room with a bed upon it and a coverlet. The man

did not rise when I went in, nor during my stay, but civilly

inclined his head on my pulling off my hat, and, in answer to my

inquiry whether I might ask him a question or two, said,

‘Certainly.’ There being a window at each end of this room, back

and front, it might have been ventilated; but it was shut up tight,

to keep the cold out, and was very sickening.

The wife, an intelligent, quick woman, rose and stood at her

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Categories: Charles Dickens