Dickens, Charles – The Uncommercial Traveller

tears upon it all the time because he was so cross, and when she

had lined the dish with crust and had cut the crust all ready to

fit the top, the Captain called out, ‘I see the meat in the glass!’

And the bride looked up at the glass, just in time to see the

Captain cutting her head off; and he chopped her in pieces, and

peppered her, and salted her, and put her in the pie, and sent it

to the baker’s, and ate it all, and picked the bones.

Captain Murderer went on in this way, prospering exceedingly, until

he came to choose a bride from two twin sisters, and at first

didn’t know which to choose. For, though one was fair and the

other dark, they were both equally beautiful. But the fair twin

loved him, and the dark twin hated him, so he chose the fair one.

The dark twin would have prevented the marriage if she could, but

she couldn’t; however, on the night before it, much suspecting

Captain Murderer, she stole out and climbed his garden wall, and

looked in at his window through a chink in the shutter, and saw him

having his teeth filed sharp. Next day she listened all day, and

heard him make his joke about the house-lamb. And that day month,

he had the paste rolled out, and cut the fair twin’s head off, and

chopped her in pieces, and peppered her, and salted her, and put

her in the pie, and sent it to the baker’s, and ate it all, and

picked the bones.

Now, the dark twin had had her suspicions much increased by the

filing of the Captain’s teeth, and again by the house-lamb joke.

Putting all things together when he gave out that her sister was

dead, she divined the truth, and determined to be revenged. So,

she went up to Captain Murderer’s house, and knocked at the knocker

and pulled at the bell, and when the Captain came to the door,

said: ‘Dear Captain Murderer, marry me next, for I always loved

you and was jealous of my sister.’ The Captain took it as a

compliment, and made a polite answer, and the marriage was quickly

arranged. On the night before it, the bride again climbed to his

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Dickens, Charles – The Uncommercial Traveller

window, and again saw him having his teeth filed sharp. At this

sight she laughed such a terrible laugh at the chink in the

shutter, that the Captain’s blood curdled, and he said: ‘I hope

nothing has disagreed with me!’ At that, she laughed again, a

still more terrible laugh, and the shutter was opened and search

made, but she was nimbly gone, and there was no one. Next day they

went to church in a coach and twelve, and were married. And that

day month, she rolled the pie-crust out, and Captain Murderer cut

her head off, and chopped her in pieces, and peppered her, and

salted her, and put her in the pie, and sent it to the baker’s, and

ate it all, and picked the bones.

But before she began to roll out the paste she had taken a deadly

poison of a most awful character, distilled from toads’ eyes and

spiders’ knees; and Captain Murderer had hardly picked her last

bone, when he began to swell, and to turn blue, and to be all over

spots, and to scream. And he went on swelling and turning bluer,

and being more all over spots and screaming, until he reached from

floor to ceiling and from wall to wall; and then, at one o’clock in

the morning, he blew up with a loud explosion. At the sound of it,

all the milk-white horses in the stables broke their halters and

went mad, and then they galloped over everybody in Captain

Murderer’s house (beginning with the family blacksmith who had

filed his teeth) until the whole were dead, and then they galloped


Hundreds of times did I hear this legend of Captain Murderer, in my

early youth, and added hundreds of times was there a mental

compulsion upon me in bed, to peep in at his window as the dark

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Categories: Charles Dickens