Dickens, Charles – The Uncommercial Traveller

could cook; both could mend their own clothes; both could clean up

everything about them in an orderly and skilful way, the girls

having womanly household knowledge superadded. Order and method

began in the songs of the Infant School which I visited likewise,

and they were even in their dwarf degree to be found in the

Nursery, where the Uncommercial walking-stick was carried off with

acclamations, and where ‘the Doctor’ – a medical gentleman of two,

who took his degree on the night when he was found at an

apothecary’s door – did the honours of the establishment with great

urbanity and gaiety.

These have long been excellent schools; long before the days of the

Short-Time. I first saw them, twelve or fifteen years ago. But

since the introduction of the Short-Time system it has been proved

here that eighteen hours a week of book-learning are more

profitable than thirty-six, and that the pupils are far quicker and

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Dickens, Charles – The Uncommercial Traveller

brighter than of yore. The good influences of music on the whole

body of children have likewise been surprisingly proved. Obviously

another of the immense advantages of the Short-Time system to the

cause of good education is the great diminution of its cost, and of

the period of time over which it extends. The last is a most

important consideration, as poor parents are always impatient to

profit by their children’s labour.

It will be objected: Firstly, that this is all very well, but

special local advantages and special selection of children must be

necessary to such success. Secondly, that this is all very well,

but must be very expensive. Thirdly, that this is all very well,

but we have no proof of the results, sir, no proof.

On the first head of local advantages and special selection. Would

Limehouse Hole be picked out for the site of a Children’s Paradise?

Or would the legitimate and illegitimate pauper children of the

long-shore population of such a riverside district, be regarded as

unusually favourable specimens to work with? Yet these schools are

at Limehouse, and are the Pauper Schools of the Stepney Pauper


On the second head of expense. Would sixpence a week be considered

a very large cost for the education of each pupil, including all

salaries of teachers and rations of teachers? But supposing the

cost were not sixpence a week, not fivepence? it is FOURPENCEHALFPENNY.

On the third head of no proof, sir, no proof. Is there any proof

in the facts that Pupil Teachers more in number, and more highly

qualified, have been produced here under the Short-Time system than

under the Long-Time system? That the Short-Timers, in a writing

competition, beat the Long-Timers of a first-class National School?

That the sailor-boys are in such demand for merchant ships, that

whereas, before they were trained, 10L. premium used to be given

with each boy – too often to some greedy brute of a drunken

skipper, who disappeared before the term of apprenticeship was out,

if the ill-used boy didn’t – captains of the best character now

take these boys more than willingly, with no premium at all? That

they are also much esteemed in the Royal Navy, which they prefer,

‘because everything is so neat and clean and orderly’? Or, is

there any proof in Naval captains writing ‘Your little fellows are

all that I can desire’? Or, is there any proof in such testimony

as this: ‘The owner of a vessel called at the school, and said

that as his ship was going down Channel on her last voyage, with

one of the boys from the school on board, the pilot said, “It would

be as well if the royal were lowered; I wish it were down.”

Without waiting for any orders, and unobserved by the pilot, the

lad, whom they had taken on board from the school, instantly

mounted the mast and lowered the royal, and at the next glance of

the pilot to the masthead, he perceived that the sail had been let

down. He exclaimed, “Who’s done that job?” The owner, who was on

board, said, “That was the little fellow whom I put on board two

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Categories: Charles Dickens