Dickens, Charles – The Uncommercial Traveller

headsmen; and I noticed that the wretched people who closely

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followed them, and who were in a manner forced to contemplate their

folded arms, complacent countenances, and threatening lips, were

more overshadowed by the cloud and damp than those in front.

Indeed, I perceived in some of these so moody an implacability

towards the magnates of the scaffold, and so plain a desire to tear

them limb from limb, that I would respectfully suggest to the

managers the expediency of conveying the executioners to the scene

of their dismal labours by unfrequented ways, and in closely-tilted

carts, next Whitsuntide.

The procession was composed of a series of smaller processions,

which had come together, each from its own metropolitan district.

An infusion of allegory became perceptible when patriotic Peckham

advanced. So I judged, from the circumstance of Peckham’s

unfurling a silken banner that fanned heaven and earth with the

words, ‘The Peckham Lifeboat.’ No boat being in attendance, though

life, in the likeness of ‘a gallant, gallant crew,’ in nautical

uniform, followed the flag, I was led to meditate on the fact that

Peckham is described by geographers as an inland settlement, with

no larger or nearer shore-line than the towing-path of the Surrey

Canal, on which stormy station I had been given to understand no

lifeboat exists. Thus I deduced an allegorical meaning, and came

to the conclusion, that if patriotic Peckham picked a peck of

pickled poetry, this WAS the peck of pickled poetry which patriotic

Peckham picked.

I have observed that the aggregate procession was on the whole

pleasant to see. I made use of that qualified expression with a

direct meaning, which I will now explain. It involves the title of

this paper, and a little fair trying of teetotalism by its own

tests. There were many people on foot, and many people in vehicles

of various kinds. The former were pleasant to see, and the latter

were not pleasant to see; for the reason that I never, on any

occasion or under any circumstances, have beheld heavier

overloading of horses than in this public show. Unless the

imposition of a great van laden with from ten to twenty people on a

single horse be a moderate tasking of the poor creature, then the

temperate use of horses was immoderate and cruel. From the

smallest and lightest horse to the largest and heaviest, there were

many instances in which the beast of burden was so shamefully

overladen, that the Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to

Animals have frequently interposed in less gross cases.

Now, I have always held that there may be, and that there

unquestionably is, such a thing as use without abuse, and that

therefore the total abolitionists are irrational and wrong-headed.

But the procession completely converted me. For so large a number

of the people using draught-horses in it were so clearly unable to

use them without abusing them, that I perceived total abstinence

from horseflesh to be the only remedy of which the case admitted.

As it is all one to teetotalers whether you take half a pint of

beer or half a gallon, so it was all one here whether the beast of

burden were a pony or a cart-horse. Indeed, my case had the

special strength that the half-pint quadruped underwent as much

suffering as the half-gallon quadruped. Moral: total abstinence

from horseflesh through the whole length and breadth of the scale.

This pledge will be in course of administration to all teetotal

processionists, not pedestrians, at the publishing office of ‘All

the Year Round,’ on the 1st day of April, 1870.

Observe a point for consideration. This procession comprised many

persons in their gigs, broughams, tax-carts, barouches, chaises,

and what not, who were merciful to the dumb beasts that drew them,

and did not overcharge their strength. What is to be done with

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those unoffending persons? I will not run amuck and vilify and

defame them, as teetotal tracts and platforms would most assuredly

do, if the question were one of drinking instead of driving: I

merely ask what is to be done with them! The reply admits of no

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Categories: Charles Dickens